/ What is the most famous Russian singer? The most famous Russian singers

What is the most famous Russian singer? The most famous Russian singers

Russian pop scene, has long been activegaining momentum, more and more often becomes the object of observation of Western media, which periodically make up their own ratings of our performers. For example, the world-famous publication Forbes gives detailed descriptions of the level of income of domestic stars over a certain period. Some foreign newspapers and magazines compose lists of those Russian musicians whose compositions occupy the leading lines of the charts. Sometimes, figuring out who is the most famous Russian singer, the data from surveys of people on the Internet are taken as a basis.

The most famous domestic performer of the last decade

At the end of 2014 a special rating was drawn upRussian vocalists, according to which the latter were located according to the rotation of their works on domestic radio stations. It was done in order to find out what the most famous Russian singer could be awarded this high title in the opinion of the listeners themselves, who ordered songs for a decade on air.

What is the most famous Russian singer?

As a result, undisputed leadership wonthe most famous Russian pop singer Dima Bilan, whose songs for the above-mentioned period were heard on the radio more than 5 500 000 times, which is a record result.

Following Bilan goes Julia Savicheva, who,However, almost one million auditions fell behind the leader of this rating. Closes the top three winners of the team "Vintage", behind the silver medalist by only 1000 points.

Who is the richest Russian musician?

One way or another, it is rather difficult to say whichthe most famous Russian singer has received the greatest recognition in the West. According to a survey of users in social networks, the most famous domestic musicians along with Dima Bilan are such performers as Sergei Lazarev and Grigory Leps, who managed to bypass such serious masters of modern Russian stage as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontiev and Valery Meladze.

The most famous Russian singers

However, if we talk about those musicians whose incomeis maximum, then in this case the list will be somewhat different. Forbes magazine cites data according to which it is possible to answer which most famous Russian singer is the leader, according to the received fees and income. The first line in this list is confidently occupied by Gregory Leps, near which are located and beloved by many Stas Mikhailov and Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous Russian singers of the XX century

Modern performers, of course, have achievedcertain heights in the field of show business and earned world recognition. However, we should not forget those who supported the image of Russia and the entire Soviet Union in the last century and became a true legend of the world scene.

Answering the question about which is the most famousRussian singer conquered with his charisma and talent the whole globe, you can give an unambiguous answer - this is the famous Fedor Chaliapin, whose bass sounded on the stage of the most famous theaters. His timbre is hard to confuse with someone else's, and love for romances did Chaliapin actually a folk singer.

True legend without any doubt you cancall and Lyudmila Zykin, a woman who conquered the hearts of the audience with her spontaneity and originality. She was the idol of several generations and was the personification of the Russian soul and, to some extent, of Russia as a whole.

The most famous Russian singer

List of domestic and, in particular, Sovietsingers who have earned world recognition are truly wide, and this proves once again that the nationality of the performer is far from being the most important role, as his main talents are his talent and inner strength.

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