/ / Fine arts: types of painting and not only

Fine art: types of painting and not only

Speaking of painting as one of the speciesfine arts, it is worth noting that it also has several varieties. Each of them has its own peculiarities in form and content, its specificity of technology and technology of application of materials. There are the following types of painting: monumental, easel, decorative and decorative-applied.

Monumental painting includes works,scale not only in size, but also in plot. Typically, these images are placed on walls or written directly on ceilings in public buildings. Their goal is to create a kind of synthesis of the painting and architectural style in which the room is made, or to show some historical event, for example, the battle scene, in which many different "active" characters participate.

As for the easel painting, everything is much moreit's easier: the artist who writes it does not think about whether his masterpiece will be combined with architecture or any design. His creation is an independent unit, not tied to any things or objects. It just reflects the idea of ​​the artist, his idea. To easel painting are landscapes, portraits, still lifes.

Decorative and decorative-applied typespainting for themselves: they are designed to decorate something, whether it is a casket, a plate, a piece of cloth or any other object whose main purpose is to be part of the decor. Fresco and mosaic can also be attributed to the decorative and applied kind.

The technician of drawing pictures is a great variety. This is a simple pencil, and watercolor, and charcoal, and pastel, and even a ballpoint pen. But the most popular paintings are oil paints. They are beautiful, durable and give a special status to their owners. The technique of oil painting is quite complex and requires certain skills and training. In order to write a painting with oil paints, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare everything you need, namely: the primed surface (canvas, cardboard, wood, hardboard, etc., but not paper), paints, hard brushes of different sizes, oil (most often linen) or a special solvent, palette, palette knife. Further - a matter of technology. You can begin to work, starting with the underpainting, that is, generalized preliminary modeling of the forms that you are going to portray. Having determined the plot and sketching it, you can start drawing.

Of course, each artist has his ownThe technique of writing: some write with slats (thin layers), others with rough strokes, and modern painting at times excludes the participation of brushes in the creation of canvases: they are successfully replaced by a palette knife (an art tool similar to a trowel, only narrower). However, this method is suitable only for abstractions. But whichever way you choose, it's important to remember: our world is very rich in all sorts of colors and shades, so we need to look for them, constantly mixing colors.

Having mastered the types of painting for yourself, try your ownforce first in the easel composition, depicting an uncomplicated still-life, or in decorative and applied technique, having painted a plate or a jug. So you can understand, whether your soul lies in the practice of drawing in general and painting in particular. Perhaps, if you like drawing, this will be your favorite hobby. In addition, it has long been proven that painting classes perfectly soothe the nervous system, even when a person does not know how to draw at all. And if you are one of them, then forget about all the above types of paintings and create your own masterpiece, consisting of random colorful strokes. Pour out your emotions on the canvas. Enthusiastic in this process, you will not notice how all of the negatives that you have "accumulated" during the day will evaporate from you.

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