Search system "Sputnik" was launched in thisyear, and many users were eagerly awaiting it, since it was supposed to show us something really new and multifunctional. In fact, it happened that way. The creator of the project is the well-known telecommunications company OJSC Rostelecom. The most interesting thing is that the Russian search system "Sputnik" is available at the moment only for Russian citizens. This was done in order to establish certain restrictions for the preservation, as well as the protection of the information space of the Russian Federation. As practice has shown us for a long time, the information space of large states really has something to defend from, therefore such decisions have come into force. But in fact, users who want to get acquainted with this resource, it has long been done with the help of various devices. People who live outside Russia will have to use special tools to get to the pages of the new project, but we decided to talk about this a little later.
"" - search engine: innovations

So, let's figure out what's new for usprovided the Russian development. The project is primarily designed for users to search for any information, so immediately it is worth talking about the issue. Let's start with the requests of "Yandex" and find out what position is the new search engine "Sputnik". This site is on the fifteenth position, which, in principle, is quite good, but here "Google" constantly surprises. When you enter such a request on the first pages of the issuance of the resource could not be noticed. However, let's say that we managed to go to the site of interest to us. Here, the design immediately catches the eye, and it is executed very nicely. It can be seen immediately that the developers have done an excellent job in this regard. Having come down a little lower, on the main page you can see big pictures, which show all the beautiful places in Russia. Currently, this service is still in beta testing, so the photos for the design of the project will be added gradually, after a full launch.
Possible leader

The search system "Sputnik" has all the chances forthen, to become a leading service, although this will happen only if access is open to all visitors. For a more comfortable pastime for users on the new service, a block with a weather forecast, the latest news, as well as a list of TV shows, where a person can choose a channel and find out what programs should be expected, was installed. These elements do not look so good, and the service would be much nicer without them, although developers could just make them as widgets. Thus, each person would have the opportunity to independently manage add-ons, and also install them in those places where it is most convenient.

You can not go past what is present hereinstant access to a large number of TV channels. Naturally, such a possibility is provided by a special site - However, if you want, you can watch the programs that are broadcast in real time. The video quality is not the worst, but there are additional options for viewing.
" "- a search engine with a unique opportunity. Here, the user can independently filter out the issuance, or rather specify the query, and then select those sites that are really useful. However, at present there are only three types of sorting, or rather - easy, moderate and strict control. Naturally, there is a purification from obscene content. The project, like many of its competitors, has its own very handy map, where you can instantly ask almost any queries, for example, to find fitness clubs, bars, pharmacies, notary companies, taxis and so on. Search engine "Sputnik" in this respect, of course, surpasses other analogues.

Let's now figure out how to get on thiscurious development, if you are not a citizen of Russia. In fact, it is very simple, and the most important tool for this case will be a proxy. Servers can be used both paid and free, the most important thing is that their addresses are Russian. Also suitable specialized software for visiting the site of interest to us.
We hope for the further development of the project, after allthe start is very good. Thanks to the developers for this. Today the search engine "Sputnik" became the hero of our material. Rostelecom has the most direct relation to it. I must say that in this case we are talking about the main Russian telecommunications company.