Chinese search engine - Google rival?
Chinese search engine Baidu confidently bypassedtheir competitors. Today, it ranks first in China, 8th in North Korea, 10th in Hong Kong, 15th in Japan, 27th in Taiwan and 82nd in the United States. The Baidu search engine has the same popularity in the PRC as Google in Europe.
Google Competitor from China
Baidu is considered to be one of the largestInternet companies in the world. It was founded in January 2000 by former students Yerik Syu and Robin Lee, who graduated in America. They managed to attract about $ 12 million in investment. Their goal was to create a domestic Internet company that could compete with American "monsters", such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

The name is literally translated "a hundred times""A thousand times" or "countless times". It is taken from the last lines of the poem Xin Qingzi "The Green Jade Table at the Lantern Festival". It says: "I've been looking for hundreds of times in a crowd, suddenly turning, she, she is there, in the dim light of a burning candle."
The poem tells about a man who is looking for his ownjade dream. According to the developers, the Chinese search engine Baidu symbolizes the constant search for the ideal. In this regard, the name of the search engine is sometimes translated as "search for a dream."
The Golden Shield

Unofficially, the project is called "Great Chinesefirewall "(a play of words, in meaning as the ancient Great Wall of China and as a network firewall). This is a virtual shield, which is engaged in the filtration of Internet content in China. The development of the project lasted for 5 years. And at the end of 2003 the "Golden Shield" began its work.
Also, in addition to the "shield", China appliestechnology of DNS-blocking. There is a "black list" of sites, access to which is completely closed. Filtering of web pages occurs by keywords that are indirectly or directly related to the state security.
Chinese Baidu, Sogou and Soso - popularsearch engines not only at home, but also in Europe. What can not be said about Google, Bing and Yahoo, which are rapidly losing their leading positions in the PRC.
How popular is the baidu search Every day it is visited by about 50 thousand Internet users. It is among the top 10 most popular and profitable Internet sites, second only to such giants as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and Wikipedia.

In mid-2006, China's main search engine launchedproject "Baidupediya" or "Baidu Bayke". For the first 3 weeks, she bypassed the Chinese Wikipedia and became the leader in the country. Encyclopedia Baidu is subject to total censorship, like the search engine itself. At the beginning of 2017, it contains about 14 million articles. In other words, there is more information in Baidupedia than in Russian, English, Chinese and German Wikipedia put together.
According to the index of the world ranking of sites(Alexa Traffic Rank), takes the 4th position in the world. The index of the site contains more than 90 million graphic files, 800 million web pages and more than 12 million media content files.
In 2013, Baidu, together with the German company Avira, released its own antivirus program Baidu Antivirus.
President of the company Zhang Yatsin in 2016 announced his ambitious plan. After 5 years, he intends to start mass production of cars (self-controlled).
In the Middle Kingdom Baidu is undoubtedly in the lead. According to experts, it is used by 65% to 85% of the population of China. But despite such popularity, this "giant" has competitors:, and These Chinese Internet search engines are fighting for customers and dreaming to break out into leaders.

The appeared 12 years after Baidu, and now it owns 17% of the market. It is owned by Qihoo 360, their software is focused primarily on the owners of "pirated" or illegal copies of Windows in China. The 360 programs bypass authentication and allow you to install OS updates.
Qihoo actively collaborates with Nokia and Google inthe area of mobile search and plans to enter European markets. Recently, the company bought shares of its competitor Sogou, in connection with which its position in the market can grow by 10%.
Chinese search engine belongs to the largest Internet provider Tencent. The company is the creator of such successful projects as WeChat messengers and QQ, owns the company Riot Games. In mobile search confidently takes the second place (15% of the market).
Foreign search engines in China
The system, despite the support of Microsoft, is not popular in the Middle Kingdom. It is used by no more than 1% of the population of the camp and only to find information on English-speaking resources.

Because of the total censorship Google search refused to work in China. In 2010, the company closed its representative office in the country and relocated to Hong Kong. The share of Google in the Chinese market has significantly decreased and at the moment is 3%.
Thanks to the care of Google, the Chinese search engine Baidu has strengthened its position in the domestic market. And with the opening of the Japanese version, it became the second search engine in the world.