First level domain
The first-level domain is the mostThe highest level immediately after the root domain in the hierarchy of the set of domain names. It serves as the initial starting point for domain names on the Internet. It turns out that such domain zones as .com, .net, .ru, .org and others, these are the same top-level domains. The most common questions related to this concept are the following. Is it possible to become a holder of such a domain for free? What are the alternatives for obtaining it? And others.
Get the first level domain for freeonly if you can convince the Internet community of the need to create a new domain zone, and then this idea should be approved by the management of ICANN, which monitors the root DNS server system. One can definitely say that this is practically not feasible in practice, let alone a free opportunity to do so. That's why it can be argued that a free domain is more of a myth than a truth. In this case, we are faced with the question of how to get it then? At the moment, the only way to get it is to apply to ICANN, which will be considered for a while. At the same time, the cost of such a domain is 185 thousand dollars, and you will not only have to pay it, but also prove that you are able to support it. And it's not a fact that you will be given such permission.
Let's look at the list of domain names by dividingits on a category. There are common first-level domains, they are often called gTLDs. Next are the main domains, called unsponsored, and after them are sponsored.
Next are the domains that are created for the Internet infrastructure. After them there are reserved and pseudo-domains, which can be conditionally combined into one group.
The following can be distinguished national domains of the first level. There are also international ones. Naturally, when reading this list, you may have different questions. Here are some answers to them.
For example, here is the pseudo-domain of the top level. What is it? These are domains that are not in the DNS root directory, but they are used, for example, when sending or processing messages.
Reserved often include domains,obsolete or ceased to exist. At the moment, there are not so few, they can still be used in narrow circles, but not publicly. It can be said that anyone can create their own first-level domain, but they must use their own root DNS servers. For the entire period of the history of the Internet there are a lot of such organizations. They are given access to the use of an alternative root system, after which they create a first-level domain. Thanks to this, they receive new sources of income.
What is a domain name and how to choose a domain for a site
It has long been born the erroneous opinion thatdomain does not affect the possibility of promotion in the search engine. It is important to understand that the domain zone is now taken into account in the region of the site. The optimal solution is to purchase a domain in the zone where you want to develop your business. Registration of domains at the moment is carried out after the passport data is provided. But then you just need to send only a scan of the passport, so it's not necessary that you register it for yourself, it can be anyone. If domain registration is made in your name, then it's worth remembering about copyrights. You can easily calculate if they are violated. If you decide to promote your site in the search engines, then you need a domain of a certain age, otherwise it will be difficult to implement promotion on high-frequency requests. When you come up with a domain name, it's worth including a keyword in it, so it will be better to move forward in the search engines.