/ / What is a domain and why is it so important?

What is a domain and why is it so important?

Everyone who created the site for himselfpersonally, or by ordering an Internet resource for your company, and also tried to implement it in the network, knows - the choice of a domain for a website - this is quite a complex and responsible business. This is due to the state of affairs in which even a high-quality site with a properly composed semantic core, as well as quality and original content, can not be successful if its owner does not understand the domain's role. What is the domain in the aspect of promotion? Undoubtedly, an important factor that greatly influences the success, development and attendance of the Internet resource.

The question is what is the domain - this is the first thingfaced people who decided to start their own business on the Internet, for which you need to register the site. Clearly aware of the importance of this concept, a beginner Internet businessman understands that it is the choice of a good and unique domain, as well as the correct registration of it, that are the fundamental bases of success. Among other things, the right choice, and made with a certain calculation, the choice of domain facilitates the life of the site owner and webmaster in the future, facilitating the rapid promotion and successful development of the resource.

So, what is a domain. Domain (domain name) is a symbolic name that serves the only purpose - identification of areas - units of administrative autonomies into which the Internet is divided. The work of common space of domain names in the Global Network is provided by DNS-server of domain names. It is the presence of such a concept as a domain name that makes it possible to implement the addressing of Internet sites, as well as the network resources that are placed on them (e-mail servers, Web sites, other services) in a form convenient for human perception.

The full name matches an inscription fromseveral parts separated by dots - directly the domain name, as well as the names of all domains that are higher in the hierarchy. That is, the domains seem to enter one into the other. For example, the fully qualified domain name ru.name.org means that there is a third level ru in the domain name, which is included in the second level of name, which in turn enters the upper level of org. Ordinary speech most often under the notion of a domain name implies exactly the full domain name.

A domain zone is a collection of names,characterized by a certain level. For example, in the mysite.org zone. Each name of the third level belonging to this domain is included. Examples of such names are name1.mysite.org, name2.mysite.org, etc.

Of course, popular and simple names like www.auto.ru, or www.job.ru, bring their owners a huge attendance, and besides they can be very profitable resold.

It should be understood that today such namesalmost no left - widely used words have long been assigned to certain sites, or are in the possession of businessmen who earn on reselling domain names. At the same time, we should not forget that some of the names that are owned by successful Internet giants today are not characterized by a kindness or compliance with any word of wide usage. Remember at least "yandex", "rambler" or "google" - in fact, not translatable and meaningless words, which, however, bring millions of dollars to their owners.

That's why do not despair because the address bar will not show up exactly the name that you'd like to see, but just follow the simple tips:

1. The name should be unique, and also, it is rather desirable, unlike the others

2. Do not use too long names

3. If the future site has a geographical affiliation, its domain name must be included in the zone of the state to which the content of the resource is directed to the audience.

Hopefully, the above has helped to understand what a domain is and how to correctly choose it.

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