What are domains and hosting
Hosting is a place to host yourinformation on the Internet, and the domain - identification. His choice depends on what you need an Internet resource for and how much money you are willing to invest in it. If the finance is not as good as it would be, at the initial stage it will be completely satisfied with free hosting. However, be prepared for the fact that the companies that provided you with this service will post ads on your site. Now we need to understand what domains are.
Domain in translation from French (domaine)denotes a unit of structure. On the Internet, this is your unique name. Everyone knows that each computer has its own address, which consists of digital signs separated by dots. The domain system was invented so that users of the network did not have to memorize a large number of digits. The addresses (names) in this system have letters (mostly Latin) and look like this: <site name>. <Domain>. There may also be subdomains, then the address structure in the network will be: <site name>. <Subdomain name>. <Domain>. What are the domains for a commercial project? If you are planning to promote your business on the Internet and want the site to help you in this, then of course you need to take care of your image.
With the question of what are domains and hostingfigured out. However, for self-examination of questions about the promotion of your site in the network, you should also familiarize yourself with a number of other concepts. On this depends the success of your business, as well as your development in the field of Internet technologies. Examine the Windows domain, which is a single space for managing the rights of both users and entire groups. Perhaps one day your business will grow into a huge corporation, for which you will need more powerful technology and web resources.