/ / What can be done from the tire with their own hands and without much effort?

What can be done from the tire with your own hands and without much effort?

Recently, old tires have moved fromdischarge of debris in the category of material for crafts. Different figures can be seen more often not only at the dacha, but also near ordinary dwelling houses. Although you do not have any skills, you still have the power to transform an unnecessary thing. Look around. How much junk material can be adapted to decorate a small area in front of the windows.

what can I do with my own tires
What can I do with my own tires? This question is irrelevant. How much was devoted to the articles on this topic, how many ideas were embodied, what is more reasonable to ask: "What did you like more and what physical efforts are you willing to spend on it?"

Consider again, for the purpose of reminding, differentcrafts so that you can decide what to make of old tires. The most simple and completely non-expensive option is a small flower bed. It's enough just to lay the wheels and pour in the ground. Then plant flowers or seedlings. Everything, your contribution to the decoration of the city, you can say, is made. If you also paint the tire, you will get a bright colorful spot near the gray houses.

what can I do with my own tires 2
We continue to consider further variants of that,that can be made of tires. Now we will analyze already complicated tasks, for which it is necessary to have several wheels, no matter what size they are. They need to be laid in any sequence on top of each other. You can make a daisy with 6 tires. We lay one in the center, and around lay out the future petals. If it turns out to put more circles next to each other, that's great! So your chamomile will have more beautiful petals. And if you also plant flowers with the mind, for example, in the center - yellow, and around the edges - white, you get a colorful composition.

what can be done from tires
Knowing what can be done from tireshands, you will create a real fairy-tale world around you. The same flowerbeds will look very good, if you arrange them vertically in several tiers. The same size should be stacked on each other, laying a wall or in a circle. If the tires are all different, you can get an excellent slide, similar to a children's toy. Remember how they taught the kids? First, put on a stick a large circle, then - a smaller one, then - even less and so on. Remember the children's skills and make a multi-tiered floral herringbone.

If you like different little animals, then choose fromWhat can be done from the tire with their own hands, it will not be difficult. The simplest variants are a frog, a hedgehog and a turtle. These are recumbent varieties, so it's enough to lay one wheel, and make up the paws and muzzle from a plastic empty bottle. You can also make a ladybug. If you managed to pick up bottles of different colors, then you will not need to paint anything.

what to make of old tires
A bear cub or a hare is excellent iffix the two wheels vertically. Here you will need to apply some materials and additional efforts. First of all, a metal rod is needed to connect the two tires to each other. Then, a dense material (oilcloth or linoleum) is needed to sew the figure. On the top you should draw a face, and on the lower side - a trunk. Ears are excellent from the bottle.

All the rest of what can be done fromtires with their own hands, already requires effort and skill. Sometimes even a strong man's hand is required. However, what are the great results of swans, parrots, snails! Many more animals can be made from unnecessary tires. But the main thing is that you wanted to do it, and you decided to make a small contribution to the decoration of the city.

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