/ / Flower bed - original homemade decoration for your garden

Flower bed - original homemade decoration for your garden

In fact, according to the laws of recyclable materials, which have served theirThe tires should be sent straight to the scrap, where they will be processed and will do something rubber that can still serve the person. But, honest in your heart, where did you see in our country an organized collection of tires? Especially somewhere "deeper", where to go for a couple of dozen tires - at a loss. On the other hand, a craftsman is able to see beauty even in scraps ...

Whatever it was, from the tires themselvesyou can make a lot of useful and beautiful things - from simple curbs and children's swings to luxurious sculptural installations. But our task is to create a flowering flower-bed from it, we proceed to it.

From the tire with your own hands
Strictly speaking, on how to create a flower bed fromthis rubber product, you can not particularly bother, because the form we already have. But the flowerbed has its own characteristics, they will have to be taken into account. In principle, they are the same as the usual flower pots.

It is necessary to be surprised: sites that tell how the flowerbed is made of tires, but more than enough, there are practically no references to the fact that such a bed is vitally important drainage. But the plants will have to be watered, the water will penetrate the bottom of the structure through the soil, and if it stays there, sooner or later the roots of the plants will simply rot. So, before making a flower bed, take care of its drainage. It is done very simply: in the place where your product will stand, dig a hole and fill it with stones or large branches.

Another feature is the lifespace of plants. If they grow, it should be enough. Otherwise, the flowers will begin to take away moisture and nutrients from each other, and the leaves - the sun's rays. The weakest will wither, the strongest will crush everyone around. It will turn out ugly.

How to create a flower bed
Dye the tire better than water andparquet varnish, but only when it is completely washed and dried. Choose colors to trust your imagination and taste. You can go much further than the principle of "one tire - one color." The main thing, of course, is harmony.

And the figure for a bed of tires can be made any - a curbstone, a turret, a bookcase, even a whole flowering wall!

But who of the aesthetes will not like a chic bed of tires in the form of a classic bowl ?! To work on it, however, it is necessary, but the final result, indeed, is worth it.

If you have, from which to choose the source material- choose a tire not of domestic production (our incredibly thick) and with winter tires (above it is easier to conjure). Prepare a chalk, sharpened shoe knife, soap solution and Bulgarian.

Melom needs to outline the outlines of future "petals"our vase. If you want to make the flower bed of the tire very beautiful, try to observe the symmetry. The lower contours should not extend a little to the inside edge of the tire.

Flower bed from tire
Proceed to cutting along the contour with a knife,periodically plunging its blade into a soapy solution to facilitate the process. Do not fall for the provocation of those who will persuade you to do this Bulgarian! In addition to strong smoke, harmful to health, you greatly reduce the tool life.

Time Bulgarki come, if the tire after alldid it with us: it would have to cut the metal cord so that there was enough strength to turn the tire inside out. Three cuts are made outside the tire; as soon as sparks go - this is a metal cord.

It remains an eversion. A smaller part of the cut tire will become a stand resting on the ground, most of it facing it, a shelter for plants and flowers.

The flower bed of the tire is ready. It remained only to clean and paint. For painting, choose light colors, otherwise the earth in the flowerbed will overheat in the summer.

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