/ / Wonderful yarn - openwork sturgeon

Wonderful yarn - openwork sturgeon

Needlework is one of the most favorite activitiescreative people who brings moral satisfaction from the work done and allows you to create charming crafts for all tastes. Among a wide variety of types of handwork, knitting and crocheting are in great demand. This kind of creativity is beautiful with its versatility, because there are a lot of styles and techniques in knitting that allow you to weave out of a thread things of magical beauty.

Of course, in knitting, as in any other formcreativity, have their pitfalls, which often cause many beginners to abandon the business started. But for those who purposefully strides towards their dream, no obstacles are scary, the main thing is to correctly follow all the recommendations of the masters.

Professionals recommend paying a lotattention not only to memorizing the course of work, but also advised to carefully treat the choice of tools and materials for knitting. And if the dimensions of spokes and hooks are easy to sort out, then it is very difficult to select high-quality threads for products. But it is the quality of the threads and their possible deformation during washing that will affect the appearance of the finished product.

Magic threads

Great popularity among the skilled workersthreads of the footbridge openwork, which managed to deserve great praise for the excellent quality and ease of operation. After all, this kind of yarn allows you to create very thin, like a spiderweb, things. These threads are 100% mercerized cotton, included in the summer series of yarn, manufactured by Italian technology. Thanks to its natural composition, this material is very pleasant to the body and does not cause irritation, which makes it possible to carry things out of it even by young children.

openwork chisel

Most often,weaving crochet, because its fibers are very thin and airy, so in knitting with knitting needles it is used extremely rarely. Although there are such needlewomen, who knit from it very elegant and creative things. This type of yarn is suitable for creating a large number of outfits, such as dresses, tops, jackets, skirts and other stunning artifacts. It looks great in the products for graduation balls and many other social events, as all the decorations from the "magic threads" look very exquisite and rich.

Qualitatively does not mean expensive!

Such a kind of yarn, like a petchke delicate, usesgreat demand among consumers also due to its availability. After all, the price of very high quality threads is quite low compared to similar products from other manufacturers. Openwork yarn is very economical, as it has a small consumption, so enough of a small amount of material to create from it a worthy thing.

Everyone's favorite openwork fishhorn is produced in volume50 g in a skein, the length of the thread in it is 280 m. The manufacturer takes his goods very seriously, that's why he always guarantees his quality. A mark of high-quality yarn is its ability to retain the original shape and not deform when washing and ironing products. Also, importantly, a thing from such a material never fades, which means it will have a long service life.

The magnificence of color

A huge selection of color range of yarn buffaloopenwork makes you love her once and for all. All colors are very saturated and have a slight luster, which creates a divine flicker of the finished product. The yarn is dyed in gentle colors, which makes it very touching and suitable for weaving summer cobwebs.


Every shade of fine threads is greatcombined with other colors of yarn, which allows you to make graceful interlacing of openwork colors and create unique copies of handmade. Things made with the use of such material create an aura of tenderness, warmth and charisma around the person dressed in them.

Whip and carrot

The quality of any product should be judged not byadvertising, and according to the people who used it. Therefore, based on the general opinion of many buyers, we can conclude that if the footbridge openwork reviews in most have positive, then the material is really high-quality and magnificent. People appreciated all the positive qualities of this fine yarn, which means that it will be in demand for a very, very long time.

pechora delicate reviews

There are no negative responses to the material, andjust so, simple wishes regarding the burning of yarn in the sun. Indeed, indeed, under its scorching rays, the loss of the former color of the threads often occurs. But consumers hope that the manufacturer will take into account their recommendations and improve the technology of fiber production.

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