/ Popular drinks. Ayran. Benefit and harm

Popular drinks. Ayran. Benefit and harm

Everyone needs a regularconsumption of fermented milk products. Ayran is one of the most effective and healthy drinks. It quenches thirst well, and also can relieve a hangover. The method of obtaining a natural product is quite interesting, you should only mix 3 types of milk: goat, cow and sheep, and add yeast. In some countries it is made differently, but the essence remains the same. The drink was invented in Kabardino-Balkaria and Circassia, and from there it has already spread all over the world. Ayran, whose benefit and harm are studied by many scientists, appeared in the fifth century BC. It drank all the ancient Greek inhabitants.

ayran is good and bad

The drink keeps its useful properties well,perfectly digested due to simple protein compounds and is able to restore the intestinal microflora. In addition, ayran, whose benefits are evident to the body, removes toxins, normalizes the nervous system and strengthens the immune system as a whole. It is able to prevent inflammatory diseases and improve the functioning of the respiratory system. Producers recommend drinking it regardless of the time of year. This is due to the fact that for each season there are characteristic diseases and problems for the human body. For example, in a hot summer all people try to quench their thirst, in this they are helped by ayran, the benefits and harms of which will be examined further. In winter, this drink is an ideal anti-inflammatory drug that helps to avoid infectious and cold diseases.

ayran tan

The dairy product is able to normalizework of the intestines, stomach, accelerate metabolic processes and improve the performance of certain organs. When you drink a drink, you need the necessary amount of gastric juice and bile. For a long time it was considered a healing remedy, which gives health and longevity. Airan, whose benefits and harms are discussed in this article, is also used in cooking (for making drinks, cold soups and meat dishes). Often it is added to dishes, for example, in okroshka. The body absorbs the drink easily, it is due to the low content of proteins and carbohydrates. Such drinks as ayran, tan, kefir and others, normalize water-salt metabolism and are considered to be the most effective anti-smelling agents. In addition, they perfectly quench their thirst during the hot season.

ayran good

Harm inflicts ayran only when itsimproperly prepared or not allowed to ripen. In such cases, there may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It happens that the organism simply does not perceive this fermented milk product. People with gastritis, ulcer of the duodenum or stomach are not recommended to take ayran.

Benefit and harm - what prevails? Of course, the product can be called more useful than harmful. Today it is widely used for weight loss. It quickly saturates the body and is low in calories. In addition, the drink lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Taking ayran at least three times a week, you will improve your body!

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