/ / Learn to cook real pancakes with apples. Universal recipe

Learn to cook real pancakes with apples. Universal recipe

Pancakes are considered to be one of the traditional dishesSlavic cuisine, although many historians note that such a dish was present in the menu of many nationalities since ancient times. According to one version, pancakes are considered the oldest dish, which a man began to make from flour. Despite the fact that in ancient times pancakes were prepared from yeast dough with the help of a Russian oven in Russia, nowadays they are increasingly prepared without the use of yeast.

Pancakes were such an important dish in Russia thatbecame the key meal of several holidays, the most famous of which is still Shrovetide. There are a huge number of varieties of this dish. One of the most popular varieties of pancakes is still pancakes with apples.

For many pancakes with apples - this is the firstturn the dish for which apples have become a stuffing. But there are a lot of recipes, where apples appear as one of the integral components of the pancake test. Prepare this dish is quite simple.

Prepare pancakes with apples, the recipe of whichis pretty simple, you can almost in any free time - they will come out as an excellent breakfast or dessert for lunch, and a nice addition to dinner. The process of cooking, depending on the number of portions, does not take more than an hour.

In order to cook pancakes with apples,it is necessary to take three eggs, one hundred grams of flour, two hundred grams of apples and about half a glass of milk. The rest of the products - primarily salt and sugar - are added to taste.

First you need to beat the eggs, a little saltedthem and adding sugar if desired. The resulting mixture is added to the sifted flour and the dough is prepared. Apples should be cut into slices and turned into a blender in a homogeneous mass, which together with milk is also added to the dough. Then you should turn the dough into a homogeneous mixture without lumps, carefully kneading it. As a result, a liquid mass should be obtained, which will easily spread out in a thin layer over a heated frying pan. You can fry pancakes on both sides, and with one - it's done at your discretion and depends on the individual taste of each.

You can serve ready-made pancakes differently. As one of the options, you can fold them in four and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Another option is to turn the finished dish into pancakes with apples and cinnamon. To do this, they are enough to decorate with neat small slices of apples, sprinkle powder on top with the addition of fragrant cinnamon. A little cinnamon can be added to the dough, from which pancakes are baked.

Pancakes with apples can also be served withdifferent sweet stuffing. For her, fruity or berry jam is perfect, jam or jam. On the table to this dish you can put sour cream, honey or the same jam that was used for the filling. An ideal drink to such a breakfast can be not only coffee or tea, but also milk.

It is worth noting that our ancestors for cookingPancakes most often used buckwheat flour. It is one of the best options for pancakes on yeast dough and gives the dish a unique taste. For our recipe, high quality wheat flour is also suitable.

Another question is which oil to choose foradding to the frying pan? Here everything also depends on your preferences. Try experimenting during cooking and use both vegetable (ideally suited olive), and butter. Another option is to use the "smalets" during the frying process. It is a small piece of raw fat, which is smeared with a heated frying pan.

To make the pancakes even more delicious, try to make them as thin as possible - for this you need only to practice a little. And success will come to you!

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