/ / A simple recipe for thin pancakes on milk

A simple recipe for thin pancakes on milk

Pancakes are often perceived as sweeta treat that is consumed with tea or milk. But they are also eaten as snacks, making salty and wrapping in them different fillings. For this, thin pancakes prepared without adding sugar are usually used. You can cook them on water, milk, whey or kefir. In addition to these ingredients, flour (sometimes starch), salt, eggs and vegetable oil is added to the dough so that when frying they do not stick to the frying pan.

recipe for thin pancakes on milk
The recipe for thin pancakes on milk is very simple. To a liter of liquid you need 2 eggs (you can add more, but then they will get more "rubber"), a pinch of salt, flour in sufficient quantity to make the dough consist of kefir, and a spoonful of vegetable oil. All the ingredients are mixed in a blender, after which you can fry the pancakes in a frying pan.

You can mix foods and manually, but then, inavoid clumping, you must first knead a thick dough on eggs with the addition of a glass of milk, and then bring it to the desired consistency, adding milk and stirring thoroughly, pour oil at the very end.

recipe for thin pancakes
There is another recipe for thin pancakes- on yogurt. In this case, they go more tenderly, but with sourness. The product composition in this recipe is the same, only the liquid component as used yogurt (or serum).

After the dough is ready, it is best for him to givea little to stand (at least half an hour), then the pancakes will taste better. You can fry them in a special frying pan, but the usual one, with a non-stick coating or a thick bottom, is also suitable. It is more convenient if the dishes are shallow. Turn them over with a wooden spatula, and they also take the finished ones off.

The recipe for thin pancakes on milk, providing for salted fillings, without sugar. If the inside goes sweet curd with raisins, chocolate or fruit, then add a little sugar to the dough.

pancakes pictures
As for the fillings themselves, then there are optionsgreat amount. It can be meat or fish minced meat, potatoes with mushrooms or liver, sweet or salted curds, fruits and berries. The most refined pancakes are obtained with salmon or sturgeon caviar. This dish is already considered a delicacy. In the old days on any festive table were precisely these pancakes. Photos of them now decorate the windows of many shops, cafes and fast food outlets, but this delicacy can be easily prepared at home. After all, the recipe for thin pancakes on milk is accessible and simple, it remains only to spend a lot of caviar for a solemn event.

Yeast dough is a little more difficult to prepare. First make the spit, pouring warm milk mixture of yeast and sugar. Then, when it rises slightly, add whipped eggs, flour, milk and butter. To beat this dough blender is not worth it, it's better to mix everything with your hands carefully. Yeast pancakes are usually cooked without fillings, they come out lush and nourishing thin. Use them with sour cream, honey or jam. Yeast dough is considered to be rather capricious, so many housewives still prefer the recipe for thin pancakes on milk, and for puffiness add a little soda. So it's easier, and the calories in the prepared dish are less.

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