/ / Dishes from beets

Beet dishes

Who does not know about the benefits of beets! It is rich in a variety of elements that favorably affect the health of our body. This is iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron, folic acid, various vitamins. And this is not a complete list. Beet helps reduce cholesterol, improves digestion, removes toxins from the body and simply has a rejuvenating effect.

Doctors recommend using boiled beets anddishes from beets to those who are obese or struggling with excess weight. Vegetable promotes fat metabolism and is a means of preventing obesity of some internal organs.

And what dishes from beets can be cooked?


Such dishes from beets, as salads, practicallyare always present on any festive table. Of course, the most popular is the herring under the fur coat. But everyone knows the recipe for its preparation, but what can be replaced with this already traditional salad with the addition of beets?

1. Beetroot salad with garnets

The first layer - one average fresh cucumber cut into cubes and put in a layer in a salad bowl or bowl.

The second layer - a couple of medium potato tubers boil and cut into cubes. Lubricate mayonnaise.

The third layer - grind in a blender or pass through the crush two cloves of garlic and three walnuts. Evenly distribute the resulting mixture on the layer of mayonnaise.

The fourth layer - boil 200 grams of pork tenderloin, cut into smaller pieces.

The fifth layer - one grenade to clean and separate the grain. Pour half of them into the fifth layer. Lubricate mayonnaise.

The sixth layer - grate on a fine grater 100 grams of cheese of hard varieties.

The seventh layer - two beets boil and grate on a fine grater. Lubricate mayonnaise.

The last layer - sprinkle the salad with the remaining grains of pomegranate.

2. Salad "Mistress"

This salad is also puffed

The first layer - two medium fresh carrots grate on a fine grater, mix it with a handful of raisins (pre-scalded with boiling water for softness). Put into a salad bowl and grease with mayonnaise.

The second layer - in a separate plate, grate 150 grams of cheese, pass to him through the crush two cloves of garlic and mix with mayonnaise. The resulting mass to lay out the next layer in a salad bowl.

The third and last layer is again a separatea plate finely chop pre-soaked in warm water a handful of prunes. A handful of walnuts a little fry, chop and add to prunes. Now grate one boiled beetroot. All the ingredients are combined and seasoned with mayonnaise. Put the mixture on a salad. From above you can decorate with whole or chopped nuts.

Soup with beets and cheese

Beetroot dishes, namely soups, are not limited to borsch or beetroot. You can try this and such an interesting recipe.

Grate a half kilogram of beet, cut into a graterdiced one potato. Put these vegetables in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry for a few minutes, then cover and simmer for five minutes.

Lay the vegetables in a liter of boiling broth (you can from a cube), cook for 15 minutes.

At this time in vegetable oil fry onions, chopped clove of garlic and diced two apples. Fry for 4 minutes, then put in a saucepan with broth. Salt and add spices.

Cook for another 10 minutes, two minutes before the readiness to pour into the pan 50 - 100 grams of grated cheese. The soup is ready!

Beet dishes for children

Such a useful vegetable pediatricians recommend introducing even the youngest children into the diet. Of course, dishes made from beets for babies are made in the form of mashed potatoes.

Puree with apples

Beet boil an hour and a half to make itvery soft. Grate on a small grater ready vegetable in the amount of 50 grams. Add one small crushed apple puree. Serve with sour cream. Delicious treat is ready!

Beetroot dishes, the recipes of which are presented above, are not only tasty, but also useful!

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