/ / Bagels on yeast: recipes with photo

Bagels on yeast: recipes with photo

Fragrant and lush buns and beckonsgo straight to the mouth. Especially delicious are bagels on yeast. Recipes with photos and a step-by-step description are presented in our article. Prepare Soviet bagels - delicious, with cherries, and tender and soft on sour cream - and choose the best recipe for yourself.

Recipe for bagels according to GOST

These are the same bagels, familiar to many withSoviet times. Time to prepare will go, of course, a lot, but the result will certainly please both beginners and seasoned cooks. Be sure to prepare them in your kitchen.

bagels on yeast

Step-by-step preparation of bagels according to GOST is as follows:

  1. Prepare the spoon by combining the flour together (225 g),dry yeast (2 g) and water (125 ml). Get a pretty dough, which needs to stand about 4 hours. Finished opara will increase several times in volume, and will have a porous surface.
  2. Make a deeper dip. Pour into it the remaining water (110 g), salt (7 g) and sugar (25 g). Stir.
  3. Add flour (275 g) and dry yeast (2 g). Mix the ingredients well and leave the covered dough on the table for 15 minutes.
  4. Add the last soft soft margarine (40 g), mix the dough and divide it into 7 parts.
  5. Form products. First roll each piece of dough into a bowl. Then roll it with a rolling pin so that you get a "tongue" with a wide base. Roll it with a roll from the wide edge to the narrow one. Put the bagels on the baking sheet for 1 hour. Before you send the products to the oven, do not forget to grease them with water and sprinkle with poppy seeds.
  6. The bagels are baked for 18 minutes at 220 degrees. The first 5 minutes you need to bake with steam. To do this, place a dish with ice cubes under the baking sheet with bagels. After 5 minutes, it will have to be pulled out of the oven to make the products brown.

Butterflies with poppy seeds

Bagels on this recipe are prepared not according to GOST,on milk and without kneading gums, but from this they are not less delicious. From the amount of ingredients presented in the recipe, 12 products are obtained.

recipe for bagels on yeast

Bagels with milk and yeast are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. In a bowl of warm milk (1 tbsp.) Dry fast-acting yeast (4 g) dissolves.
  2. Separately, dry ingredients are mixed: flour (2.5 items), salt (1 ½ tsp), sugar (2 tsp).
  3. In the flour is added melted butter (2 tablespoons) and a liquid mass with yeast.
  4. A smooth dough is mixed for about 10 minutes. Form a ball from it and leave it on the table for 1 hour, so that the dough increases in volume by at least 2 times.
  5. Roll the dough in the form of a circle.
  6. Cut it into 12 pieces. Each resulting triangle is rolled by a tube from a wide to a narrow edge.
  7. Place the billets on a baking sheet for 30 minutes.
  8. The oven heats up to 190 degrees. Lubricate the products with a raw egg, mixed with a tablespoon of milk, and sprinkle with poppy seeds.
  9. Bagels are baked for 25 minutes.

Bagels on yeast and margarine

To prepare these delicious bagels you do not have to put much effort, and the result of this process will definitely please you.

bagels on yeast and margarine

Bagels on yeast are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cold margarine (250 g) is rubbed on a grater directly into a bowl.
  2. To it is added 1 egg, pressed yeast (70 g), sugar (25 g), vanillin and 3 glasses of flour in volume of 200 g.
  3. The kneading of the dough begins, in the process, 100 ml of water is poured into it.
  4. Ready dough is packed in a bag and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Approached in the cold, the dough is divided into 5 parts. Each part is rolled into a circle, and then divided into triangles.
  6. Each triangle is rolled with a roll from the edges to the center, smeared with sweet water and sprinkled with sugar (poppy, sesame).
  7. Bagels are baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Bagels with jam: recipe for yeast and sour cream

Very tasty and delicate bagels can be prepared on sour cream and yeast. As a filling perfectly suited dense apple or any other jam.

bagels with jam on yeast

Bagels with jam on yeast and sour cream are prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Combine the soft margarine (180 g), sour cream (200 ml) and a pinch of salt.
  2. Gradually add flour, while mixing a soft and plasticine-like dough. No more ingredients are needed.
  3. The finished dough is divided into 5 parts.
  4. Roll one of the 5 parts into a 3 mm thick circle. Using a knife, divide the circle into 8 sectors.
  5. On a large part lay a teaspoon of jam and roll the sector roll.
  6. Dip each product with one side into sugar and can be laid out on a baking tray.
  7. Bagels are baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

It's very tasty to serve such bagels for tea or coffee. Of the indicated quantities of ingredients, 60 articles are available.

The recipe for bagels on yogurt and yeast

And these bagels will remain soft even after 2-3 days after cooking. Of course, if they are not yet eaten by the household.

bagels with jam a recipe for yeast

For making bagels on yogurt doughis kneaded from pressed yeast (20 g), butter or margarine (250 g), kefir (300 ml), sugar (1 tablespoon) and salt. Lastly, flour (550 g) is added to the mass. The mixed dough should come in a warm place (it takes about 2 hours).

And lush and elastic dough formedbagels on yeast. To do this, the test ball is divided into 4 parts, and then each of them is further divided into 16 parts. On a wide part of each bagel spread the filling (poppy, boiled condensed milk, jam, a piece of chocolate). The formed products are put on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for 20 minutes. Serve cold with tea or coffee.

Bagels with cherries on yeast and milk

Prepare rogaliki for this recipe is easiersimple, and the result is a "mountain" of lush and delicious items for tea. Cherry gives the sour taste to sourness, which is ideally combined to taste with sweet crusty crust. Any berry without pits will suit: fresh, and compote, and jam.

bagels with milk and yeast

The recipe for bagels on yeast and milk with a cherry consists of the following steps:

  1. Dry yeast (1 tablespoon) is bred in a glass of milk.
  2. Add a soft margarine (200 g), eggs (2 pcs.) And flour.
  3. The dough is softened to the hands. In texture, it looks like plasticine, does not crumble and does not stick, it's very pleasant to work with. You need to form the products right away.
  4. Divide the dough ball into 8 parts. Work with each part in turn.
  5. Take one part of the dough and roll it into a thin pancake.
  6. Divide the circle into 8-12 sectors.
  7. In each sector at the wide edge put stuffing.
  8. Roll the bagel from the wide edge to the narrow one. The resulting product is put on a baking sheet, greased with eggs and sprinkled with sugar.
  9. In a similar way to form all bagels.
  10. The products are baked at 180 degrees not more than 20 minutes.

Postal bagels

Such products can be prepared even in the post. They include the simplest ingredients that are available in every home.

bagels on yeast recipes with photo

Cigarettes are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Yeast (11 g) is dissolved in warm water (1 tbsp.).
  2. Salt, sugar (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil (0,5 items) are added. Gradually, flour is introduced (3 tbsp.) And dough is kneaded.
  3. The dough remains on the table for half an hour. Then it should be divided into 4 parts.
  4. Alternately from each piece of dough you need to form products, dividing it into 5 triangles.
  5. The filling is laid out on the wide edge, and the triangle is rolled up by a roll.
  6. Bagels on yeast are baked 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Of these products, about 20 products are produced.

Secrets of cooking delicious bagels

Bagels on a yeast dough are prepared quite easily. However, there are some secrets of preparation in this matter.

Bagels on yeast will be more delicious, if you consider the following points when preparing them:

  1. If the filling is not thick enough, it is desirable to glue the edges of the products with your fingers, so that during cooking in the oven it does not leak out.
  2. If before the formation of products to give the test a little to rise on the table, the bagels will turn out to be more magnificent than those that roll out right away.
  3. Do not bake bagels longer than 20 minutes. Otherwise they will turn out to be too dry.

Bagels prepared for each of the above recipes are worthy of taking an honorable place on your table.

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