/ / Recipe for cheese sauce: classic, versatility and tolerance for experiments

Recipe for cheese sauce: classic, versatility and tolerance for experiments

Cheese sauces are diverse, universal and nothave an unambiguous clear formula - how to make cheese sauce, like no other sauces and gravies. The very diversity of varieties and the severity of the characteristic taste, as well as the addition of various components determine their destination. Various cheese sauces are suitable for heavy or dryish meat, saturated or deliberately simple fish dishes, for desserts, fruits, of course, pasta, pastries, pizza, vegetables. In general, any dish can be supplemented with a cheese note. Surprisingly, however, this sauce is almost impossible to really spoil, especially by author's additions. With the cheeses flawlessly combine all herbs and spices, garlic, sour cream, onions and nuts, mushrooms, alcohol, berries, etc.

A classic yet can be considered sour cream cheesesauce, which, if desired, is supplemented with various spices, determining its taste for juicy dishes. The recipe for cheese sauce (sour cream or milk) involves cooking in two possible ways: with and without heating. The first involves such basic ingredients of a glass of sour cream / milk, fused or hard in plates or grated cheese - 200 g), a couple of spoons of flour, olive or fresh creamy butter, nutmeg, seasonings (it's better to limit yourself to white pepper), salt. In a spoonful of oil, dissolve the flour, add milk or sour cream, warm (boil the milk), add cheese and stir until completely homogeneous with minimal heat. Remove, add seasoning. If the sour cream is very thick, flour can be taken less or diluted with broth, boiled water, milk to the desired density. It is important to remember that cheese gives a great density when cooling, that is, the initial consistency will thicken 1.5 times. A simple recipe for cheese sauce is five minutes, according to the second method: you need a glass of sour cream and grated cheese, a spoonful of wine vinegar (white) or soy sauce, chopped garlic or mushrooms, a couple of spoons of mayonnaise (optional). Mix everything in a blender. Cheese sauces on the dairy or sour cream are the most delicate, especially if the cheese is taken not acute, but languidly soft, perhaps fused, with a thin light taste and aroma. As additional additives here are good garlic, basil, mushrooms, dill, nutmeg or perhaps a fraction of walnuts, cumin. You can complicate things a little by adding a drop of a sharp characteristic sauce, for example, tobacco or mustard, and even brandy or bright coriander. Optimal such gentle soft sauce for pasta, chips or fries,

Another almost classic recipe for cheesesauce - cheese pesto. It will require a lot of greenery for it - at least a couple of generous beams of fresh delicate basil, naturally cheese, gram 200, half a glass of olive oil and nuts (walnuts / cedar), some garlic to taste, 2 cloves are recommended. Cut greens, nuts and garlic grind, cheese grate or mix everything directly in a blender / food processor. When everything is crushed, add butter, continue to whisk until a uniform consistency of sufficient density. It is not necessary to salt, the richness of the greens and the character of the nuts, seasoned with garlic notes create a sufficient, quite intense taste composition. For cheese sauce to fruits, it will take honey, almonds, lemon juice, delicate cheese, vanilla, nutmeg. Ingredients carefully, until uniformly mixed. For meat or fish dishes, the recipe for cheese sauce assumes cheese more spicy and piquant, supplemented with tomato additives, mustard, ostrinkoy or lemon note, curry, fragrant slightly harsh greenery (parsley, arugula, onions), curry and paprika. Experiment can be simply endless. And you can make a basic simple sour cream cheese sauce, and dilute, try different combinations directly at the table.

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