/ Nut sauce for chuka. Recipe

Nut sauce for chuka. Recipe

Nut sauce is very tasty, the recipe of it was inventedin ancient times in Japan, and therefore it is a traditional Japanese dish. Japanese cuisine in general has always been positively related to all sorts of culinary experiments, and therefore it is very widely distributed a variety of gravy. This sauce perfectly complements the taste of many salads. But usually it is served to a salad under the original name "Chuka", because it is with him that he can fully reveal all the shades of his taste. Quite often, that's why it is called - nut sauce for Chuka.

Many Europeans perceive Japanese cuisine asstrange and incomprehensible, whereas in reality everything is very simple: the secret of the dishes is in the simplicity and harmony of the products from which these very dishes are prepared. Also, Japanese cuisine is very entertaining with many of its details and nuances: aesthetics of decoration, serving dishes, variety and so on.

But back to such a dish as a nut sauce forChuky. The recipe for this sauce may suggest small variations of the preparation, but its main ingredients should always remain unchanged, they are the basis of the sauce. These are nuts (not particularly important which ones), sesame, sugar and soy sauce.

To have an idea of ​​what constitutesthis very salad "Chuka", below are its ingredients. This is 450 - 500 grams of seaweed, 2 to 3 tablespoons of sesame seed, half a glass of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of tea starch, 2 tablespoons of sesame oil (brown, from fried seeds), 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 2 spoons at will Tea sake and a little bit of red hot freshly chopped pepper.

Well, in order to have a more complete idea of ​​how the recipes for preparing the nut sauce may differ, several examples.

Nut sauce for Chuka. A recipe with an orange

The products needed to prepare the sauce: 300 grams of peanuts, 200 grams of butter, 25 grams of sesame, 35 grams of onions, 3 grams of garlic (it's about one clove), 60 grams of orange, 150 grams of 3% vinegar, 40 grams of sugar, 60 grams of soy sauce.

It's very tasty - nut sauce for Chuka,The recipe with the use of oranges makes it taste sweet and sour. So, all of the ingredients listed above need only be placed in a kitchen blender and whipped into a mass with a homogeneous consistency - that's all! Nut sauce is ready, bon appetit!

Nut sauce for Chuka. Recipe with walnuts

Walnuts for cooking you need to chooseonly the brightest ones mean that they are fresh. You can, of course, use the old ones (since they have already lost moisture), but they may turn out to be rancid.

Essential products - spices: saffron, red pepper, unzho suneli (spice, it is fenugreek blue), coriander, salt; 3 spoons of hot meat broth, wine vinegar (but you can replace it with white dry wine if desired), a few drops of peanut butter, garlic (several heads).

Walnuts to sort through and pass throughthe smallest grill grinder (you can grind at a grinder). Several (pieces 2 - 3) of garlic heads are peeled off and then passed through a press, you can use a special garlic. Mix all the above spices with each other. Mix nuts and spices and add a few spoons of hot meat broth to them, then carefully grind them. Then, continuing to grind the nuts and spices, gently pour the wine vinegar or the wine itself. Wine or vinegar is needed so much that the consistency of the resulting mass was like that of a liquid pancake dough. Put on the fire, bring to a boil, but do not under any circumstances boil. When serving, drop a few drops of walnut oil on the table. It turned out a very tasty walnut sauce.

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