/ / Pork baked with potatoes - prosperity and comfort in your family!

Pork baked with potatoes is prosperity and comfort in your family!

In my family always liked to eat deliciously. Of course, no one made a cult out of food, but still a joint dinner in the kitchen, for which family problems were discussed, was one of the most indestructible of our traditions. Well, as you know, any problem becomes less terrible if you decide it at a table, among the heady aromas of dishes and warm shades of home cooking. In every family, of course, in different ways, but my mother always prepared for her "family council" her crown dish - they were pork baked with potatoes. I must tell you that I'm still trying to learn how to cook it like my mother, but I still do not understand her secret.

For many years now, as I have my own family, butSimilarly, our family council is headed by pork baked with potatoes. Why? Yes, because this dish is not only very tasty, nutritious and useful, it keeps in itself age-old traditions, brings to the house a feeling of coziness and prosperity. After many, many years ago in well-to-do merchant and boyar houses it was pork baked with potatoes that was considered an indispensable attribute of the wedding table - bringing it to the table young, relatives and friends, thus wished them a long, rich and prosperous life. Of course, it was not cooked then, as now - and the pork was homemade, and the potatoes from their garden, and the seasonings were not from the bags clearly, but it was prepared, of course, in a real Russian oven. In our time of a rabid rhythm of life and high technologies, it is unlikely that the young mistress will be able to repeat that unique taste, but try to make this dish as similar to the one, an ancient recipe, still possible. So, pork baked with potatoes ...

For a family of four you will needat least one kilogram of fresh potatoes. It is fresh, let the potato be better imported, Dutch, for example, than last year's (if you cook in winter or early spring). Pork is better to take about a pound. Two large carrots, two large bulb-turnips and sour cream are also needed. Do not forget also the greens - parsley and dill. So, the potatoes are cleaned, cut into slices, we put half of its total quantity into the baking dish. Then spread the half-rings with chopped onions, cover with a layer of sour cream, spread the pork, cut into cubes. Again, grease sour cream, put a layer of onions, carrots and close potatoes. We cover the potato layer with sour cream, pour some molded milk onto the bottom of the mold and put it in a preheated oven for 50 minutes. Five minutes before the preparation, sprinkle the browned layer of sliced ​​greens and let the dish soak for a few more minutes. Everything, pork baked with potatoes, is ready.

This dish will please all members without exceptionfamily - hostess liked the simplicity of preparation, a minimum of effort spent on household chores, head of the family, no doubt, will be pleased with a healthy calorie meals, and children, of course, will appreciate the soft, gentle, pleasant taste and the sauce!

If you want to slightly diversifytraditional recipe, then your trump card is pork baked with mushrooms. The principle of cooking is about the same, the basis will not be potatoes, but mushrooms. But just do not forget that the mushrooms, before they are placed in a baking dish, must first of all boil, in order to avoid food poisoning. You know what ecology is today. So, mushrooms first boil, then finely cut, and lay out the layer on the bottom of the mold. Then follow the familiar analogy. Only one small difference - the cooking time should be reduced by ten minutes, so that our mushrooms, their upper layer, are not burnt. Honestly I'll tell you, it turns out incredibly delicious, but here it is often not necessary to cook pork with mushrooms. This is a very heavy food, not every stomach, especially a baby, can constantly cope with such an abundance of carbohydrates. But to pamper family and friends for a holiday no one banned ...

Eat on health, joy and prosperity to your family!

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