/ / 250 grams of flour - how much is it? Tips for measuring and recommending

250 grams of flour - how much is it? Tips for measuring and recommending

It often happens that the landlady findsa new culinary recipe that immediately wants to try. As usual, all products in the description are measured in milliliters and grams. If you have a culinary scales in the kitchen, this greatly simplifies the cooking process. But not all women have this technique. What to do in this case and how to measure 250 grams of flour?

To begin with it is necessary to say that the flour is different, and the method of measuring it will be slightly different. Consider three types of flour: wheat, corn and krupchatka.

250 grams of flour how much is this

The first way: measure spoons

250 grams of flour - how much is in spoons? For this measurement, you will need a regular soup spoon.

Take wheat flour and a tablespoon. It contains 25 units of the product. In order to get 250 grams, you need to count 10 spoons.

Corn flour will weigh a little more - 30 units in one tablespoon. To measure 250 grams, you need 8 whole spoons with a slide and another third of the used measuring utensils.

Krupchatka contains 20 units of the product in one tablespoon. To get 250 grams, you need 12 whole spoons with a slide and another half of your measuring utensils.

how to measure 250 grams of flour

The second way: how many will be in glasses?

Many housewives prefer to measure not with spoons, but with glasses. 250 grams of flour - how much is in glasses?

Take one faceted glass. It is worth recalling that in it all measurements are taken to the border.

Wheat flour, if poured into such a full capacity, will weigh 130 grams. In order to get 250 grams of flour in glasses, you will need one whole and one almost full volume of measuring utensils.

Corn flour, as well as wheat flour, is placed 130 grams in one glass. Therefore, this calculation of the amount of flour is similar to the previous one.

Krupchatka weighs a bit more - 145 grams in one glass. To get 250 grams you will need one whole glass and a little more than half.

250 grams of flour in glasses

The third way: we use a teaspoon

Sometimes it happens that at hand there are no faceted glasses, no table spoons. What to do in this case? How to find out, 250 grams of flour - how much is it? You can use the usual teaspoon.

Wheat flour in one spoon with a slide is placed 8 grams. So, 250 grams is 32 spoons with a slide.

Corn flour in one spoon 10 gr. So, the volume you need can be obtained with 25 spoons with a slide.

A teaspoon of grains is 7 gr. So, you can type the required volume with 35 whole spoons with a slide and another half.


Now you know, 250 grams of flour - how much it is in different measuring containers. What measurement you choose depends entirely on the dishes and your preferences.

Some housewives prefer to measure everything with glasses,others - with spoons. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculation. Otherwise, you risk just messing up the baking. It can get too dry or, conversely, not "grab". Take your time and consider carefully.

Cook with pleasure, and your culinary creations will turn out delicious and appetizing. And your guests and the home will appreciate your efforts and works.

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