How many grams of oatmeal in a tablespoon or in a glass
Oatmeal is the first assistant in maintaining health and beauty. It not only promotes normal digestion, but is also used for cosmetic purposes for washing as a scrub.
How many grammes of oatmeal in a tablespoon?
With proper nutrition it is very important to observethe rate of consumption of the product. Oatmeal porridge, cooked with dried fruits, nuts or whatever, depending on personal preferences - a good breakfast option. How many grammes of oatmeal in a tablespoon and what is the benefit of it to the body? One spoon with a slide of standard quick-cooking oatmeal weighs 14 g. For a full breakfast of an adult, you need 200 grams of porridge. When cooking it is worth considering that the flakes are increasing at a threefold size, so it is possible to prepare the necessary portion volume, regardless of how many grams of oatmeal in a tablespoon.
Oatmeal in the form of cereals less commonproduct, requires more prolonged cooking. It is considered more nutritious and saturated with microelements. 20 g of cereals is placed in one spoon, for breakfast enough 60 g of dry product. For fast preparation it is recommended to soak the croup for the night. Flakes are easily and quickly prepared, if you pour them with boiling water immediately after awakening, in 15 minutes they swell and become soft.
How many oatmeal in the glass?
8 spoons without a slide - 100 grams of oatmeal. This is how much good for the body? This portion contains 12.3 g of protein, 6.2 g of fat, 61.8 carbohydrates, as well as a sufficient number of microelements responsible for the normal psycho-emotional state and beauty of the skin. In one standard glass, 70 g of oatmeal is placed, which is about 5 tablespoons.
Of course, such measures areapproximate, because the slides on the spoons have their own. But for an approximate measurement of portions, it is permissible to apply such a variant of volume determination. This is certainly better than trying to determine by eye weight or buying scales, only to find out how many grams of oatmeal in a tablespoon.