/ / Several recipes for how to cook meatballs

A few recipes for how to cook meatballs

Dishes from ground meat are "guest" on our tableregularly. If, of course, it's not vegetarians who sit in it. However, pork or chicken cutlets and meatballs are usually made, fish are much rarer. Unfortunately! After all, fish, as scientists have long established, is the guarantor of longevity and the absence of many unpleasant diseases. We will correct mistakes in our nutrition.

meatballs fish

Meatballs in tomato gravy

At once we will stipulate, that for meatballs it is not necessary to buyvery expensive fish. Alaska pollock, hedgehog or cod are quite suitable. And you can even take frozen fish. If you got fresh and undivided carcasses, you'll have to gut them, remove the skin and remove the bones. The fillet fell - much less work: only to remove the bones. Fish balls are usually cooked in tomato sauce. The cut fish is taken, cut into pieces and passes through a meat grinder along with a bulb and soaked and squeezed bread. The meat of the fish is soft enough, so that a small slice of a loaf is enough for a pound of fillet. Parsley or dill finely chopped and along with the egg is added to minced meat, which is then seasoned with pepper, cumin and salt. From a well-kneaded mass, small balls are formed and placed in a refrigerator. While they stand, the chopped onion is fried in lean oil, then tomato paste (3 large spoons), diluted in half a glass of water, and a spoonful of lemon juice are poured in. Salt, sugar - as you like. When the sauce boils, the fish balls are dipped into it and five minutes are put out. Then they turn over and get ready for another ten minutes. It turns out juicy and fragrant.

fish meatball recipe

Fish meatballs in Thai

These meatballs are slightly different from others alreadyat the stage of cooking stuffing. A pound of fish without skin and bones is laid in a blender together with a bunch of cilantro, a tablespoon of ginger, half a cayenne pepper and a pair of cloves of garlic. The egg is poured into the resulting stuffing, but not entirely, but only protein, plus a tablespoon of starch or flour and salt. In the saucepan, salted water heats up (not to a boil), a little coconut milk is poured into it and frozen fish balls are laid with another bundle of cilantro. After boiling on the very quiet fire, the meatballs languish for about seven minutes. And there are also possible with the aromatic broth in which they were brewed, and with a side dish - rice or pasta.

fish balls in sauce

Meatballs in vegetable marinade

Start standard: Minced meat is prepared, from which fish meatballs are molded. The recipe, however, includes also a piece of butter, which is laid in the meat grinder along with all the other ingredients. Breaded in the flour, the balls are pre-fried quickly and put together in a saucepan. The main flavor of the recipe is in the marinade. For him, carrots, root parsley, celery and onions are cut in the quantities you approve, are allowed in a skillet, where meatballs are roasted, filled with tomato juice, salted and sweetened. Extinguish for about five minutes. The resulting sauce is added to the meatballs, which after boiling are stewed in it the same time. Finished balls are covered with greens - and you can serve to the table.

fish balls in tomato sauce

Baby meatballs

They are so called because they are suitable foreven the smallest (but already able to chew) children. Minced meat is prepared according to one of the above recipes. But take care: diligently, than usual, remove the stone, if you are going to treat the baby. The second nuance: for baby food, boil should be cooked longer before extinguishing the meatball, up to 15 minutes. If the dish is for adults, you can not cook it for so long.

At the same time, a milk sauce is made - it is heis important in this recipe. The spoon of flour is dried in a dry metal or ceramic container. Butter (tea spoon), taken out of the refrigerator for softening ahead of time, is kneaded with a fork and mixed with flour. Half a glass of milk boils on a small fire; the oil is immersed in the flour and mixed until dissolved. We need to make sure that no lumps are formed! In the end - salt, pepper and pour sauce meatballs, laid out in a form in which they will be baked. The pan is removed to the oven for about ten minutes. Then the balls are sprinkled with grated cheese - and again into the oven for the same time.

Made with this recipe, fishballs in sauce turn out juicy and tasty, and the gravy is eagerly eaten, even when they are finished.

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