/ / Homemade salad caviar for the winter - recipe

Homemade salad caviar for the winter - recipe

Caviar caviar is loved by Russians from the Soviettimes when there was a deficit in the country, and this product was available to almost everyone. Moreover, this vegetable caviar was included in the ration of schoolchildren and students. Of course, a lot of time has passed since that time, and everything has changed enormously. We forgot about the deficit and today we can afford much more than before, but the taste of squash caviar, "as in childhood," we will never forget.

homemade caviar for the winter
The product that is present today on the shelves,Far from what was offered at that time, so you can try to cook it yourself. Home-cooked caviar is certainly much more useful than industrial production. But it's not always possible to get exactly what was prepared in the Union according to the prescription, in which the GOST was carefully observed. We will try to uncover today the secrets of the mysterious formula and prepare real caviar.

So, take the following products: 2 kg of fresh zucchini, a pair of onions, vegetable oil (preferably sunflower unrefined) - 100 ml, red ground pepper - 1h. spoon, fresh tomatoes - 4 pieces (can be replaced with tomato paste in the volume of 2 tablespoons). Required spices: black pepper, garlic and others to taste and desire, as well as greens, salt, butter (30 grams) and one teaspoon of sugar.

This homemade caviar, cooked for the winter, will look great on every table and remind you of pleasant moments of youth and childhood. But let's start cooking it.

homemade salad caviar
Zucchini thoroughly wash, peel and grategrater with large holes. Transfer everything into a deep frying pan or a cauliflower-like saucepan. On medium heat, bring zucchini to a boil without adding water (squash juice is enough). Then reduce the heat and continue cooking until all the liquid has evaporated.

While the future home-cooked caviarsteamed in a frying pan, we will be engaged in other components. Cut the onions finely and save separately on vegetable oil. With tomatoes, remove the skin, first pouring them with boiling water, and then grate them and add the resulting mashed potatoes to the onion along with the sugar, black and red pepper.

Next, domestic squash caviar is prepared for the winterin the following way. To zucchini, from which all the juice is evaporated, we add the resulting roast. Mix and bring to high temperatures (the oil will begin to rise). Then add the remaining products and stew for no more than 10 minutes.

homemade salad caviar
Home squash caviar is ready for the winter, butit should be corked, it is necessary to prepare cans for conservation, which must be sterilized for at least half an hour, tk. zucchini are very "whimsical" in storage under the lid and often come into disrepair. As soon as the cans are ready, the hot caviar is laid out and corked. That's so easy and simple you can cook great home billets. Caviar caviar, open in the cold season, recalls not only about the past times, but also a terrific summer! Now you know how to make homemade caviar. For the winter, you will have enough vitamins, if these tasty canned foods are in stock.

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