/ / Pancakes with pumpkin: tastier, more tender, brighter

Pancakes with pumpkin: tastier, more tender, brighter

Pancakes are a traditional Russian dish,which is firmly embedded in all spheres of life and life of the Russian people. Until now, they are of great importance, including in the spiritual tradition. Pancakes are an invariable attribute of the memorial table, also, everyone knows the symbolism of pancakes in the Shrovetide festival. What to say that pancakes are simply delicious.

Each people from time immemorial cooked pancakes based ontheir products. Pancakes are wheat, oatmeal, corn (maize), rice ... It all depends on which cereal is more likely to grow in the territory where this or that recipe is invented. Pancakes are sweet, they are fresh, they are served with sour cream, condensed milk or hot sauces, they are stuffed with cottage cheese, greens, meat and fish.

In the pancake dough, add various components: syrups, juices, pieces of vegetables and fruits. One example of such a recipe is pumpkin pancakes. This is not only tasty, but also useful, because the pumpkin contains a lot of iron. In addition, it contains a fairly rare vitamin T, it is responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. In general, the content of vitamins pumpkin is ahead of many other vegetables and fruits. And its bright orange color is a consequence of the high content of carotene, which is also extremely useful for the body.

Everyone remembers how useful the fiber is. But also that it is sometimes hard to digest, also remember everything. So, the fiber contained in the pumpkin, digested much easier, which allows you to use it even in the diet of children and sick people. Of course, pancakes with pumpkin - a seasonal dish, autumn. It is at this time of year that the pumpkin ripens.

Of course, the pumpkin can be stored for a while in thefresh or frozen. But than a fresh pumpkin, the tastier it turns out pancakes. By the way, they can be a special dish for the autumn "pumpkin" holiday of Halloween. However, it is not necessary to wait for a holiday to cook pancakes from a pumpkin.

Recipe for pancakes from pumkin, more precisely listingredients for a recipe in different versions of this dish is practically the same. Well, maybe a little varies the amount of these or other ingredients. But the ways of preparing the dough can be different.

According to one recipe, a pumpkin beforePreparation of the dough should be cut into small pieces to steam well, and then grind in a blender, you need about 300 g of pumpkin. While the pumpkin is steamed, mix the remaining ingredients for the dough. Namely 2 glasses of milk, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar and flour. The amount of flour is determined by eye, the usual pancake dough should turn out. Then add the pumpkin puree to it and mix until homogeneous. Fry pancakes with pumpkin as well as usual.

However, the pumpkin does not need to be ground in puree. It is possible to rub a raw pumpkin on a small grater. This is how pancakes with pumpkin were cooked in Poland, where they are one of the national dishes.

2 egg yolks are ground with sugar, thenadd to them 2 tablespoons of sour cream and continue to rub. Then add 2 tablespoons of flour to the egg-sour mixture and stir. The next step is to whip the egg whites into a foam and pour into the dough. Then add the grated pumpkin and mix until the dough becomes homogeneous. It remains only to bake pumpkin pancakes. You can make pancakes with pumpkin from yeast dough. This recipe also uses a pumpkin baked and ground in a blender. In 400 grams of pumpkin puree, add 800 grams of milk, diluted in warm milk, yeast. Pour 600 g of flour and leave the dough in a warm place to approach. Then add the egg, grated with a spoonful of sugar, into the dough, a little creamy.

So to cook pumpkin pancakes - it's as simple as baking ordinary, while they are more gentle and elegant, bright.

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