/ / How to cook rassolnik

How to prepare rassolnik

Rassolnik is no less popular soup than borschor soup. But how to prepare a wonderful rassolnik properly, so that it turned out delicious and useful? Many experienced housewives are ready to share the secrets of preparing this wonderful Russian dish, and we collected their recommendations for our readers.

First, let's talk about broth. How to cook rassolnik, with meat or on vegetable broth, everyone decides for himself. And in that, and in another case, if everything is done correctly, you will get a delicious soup. If the broth is meat, then you have a wide choice for its basis. You can take pork, beef, lamb, smoked ribs or poultry. Often for rassolnik use by-products - kidneys, veal heart. They are pre-soaked for several hours or even left overnight. Kidney need to be cleaned beforehand from grease and films. Some housewives practice a combination of kidneys and chicken broth. There are also fans of the rassolnik with fish.

If you cook a traditional broth - pork orbeef - it is best to take a brisket, shoulder blade, rump or edge. Meat should be chilled and with a bone. Experienced cooks recommend that the washed meat is densely rubbed with pepper and salt and left in a sealed container a little pomarinovatsya somewhere for an hour. Recommended proportions, which should be sought when cooking broth - 2 liters of water per kilogram of meat. Pour the meat in cold water and cook for 1.5-2 hours. It is necessary to remove the foam formed during the boiling process. Ideally, the foam should not be left at all. Improves the taste of broth adding to it fried without oil vegetables. It is recommended to take a bulb, a carrot, if there is, a celery root or parsley, and fry them without adding oil in a frying pan for 15-20 minutes. When the soup boils, add these vegetables, sweet pepper, bay leaves. Before adding the remaining ingredients to the rassolnik, whole vegetables are thrown away.

Chicken broth is prepared much faster: time for it will take only 30-40 minutes.

There are recipes that describe how to cookrassolnik on mushroom broth, while mushrooms can be fresh and dried. In this case, the mushrooms are cooked to full preparedness and taken out of the broth, and on it all other ingredients are cooked in the usual manner. Mushrooms cut into strips and added to the soup at the end of cooking.

The recipe for a delicious rassolnik meansthe use of a pearl barley, not rice. It is better to pre-rind the cereal in advance so that it is cooked faster. It is recommended to boil the pearl bar separate from the broth until the water is completely evaporated. And the ratio of croup / water should be 1: 2.

How to cook rassolnik without roasting, because without itdoes not it cost any soup? First we rub carrots, small or large, the matter of your taste. We throw it in a frying pan. While she is frying, we clean and cut the onions. Usually, one to two medium carrots and one medium bulb are used. By the time you chop the onions, the carrots will be half ready. Add the onion and saute the vegetables until the onion is clear. At the end of the preparation of the frying, tomato juice or paste can be added. Sauce, ketchup is better not to use because they can spoil the taste of the condiments included in their composition.

Potatoes for rassolnik cut into cubes or straws. You need to add it to the soup earlier than cucumbers. Do not be afraid to digest the potatoes in the soup. If this happens, you will not spoil this soup.

How to cook delicious rassolnik? Use salted, not pickled cucumbers. Salted cucumber will give the soup a rich aroma and the necessary sour taste. If the cucumber is thick, they need to be extinguished, finely chopped, in a small amount of broth for 15 minutes. If you have cucumber with a thin skin, after cutting, throw them immediately into the soup. For sharpness, you can add cucumber pickle, which must be boiled before pouring into a saucepan. If the brine is too sharp, it must be diluted with water.

At the very end of cooking, when the soup is almost ready, add the yolk, which has been grown with sour cream, while stirring with rassolnik. When serving on the table, soup must be filled with sour cream.

There are many nuances and secrets, and we hope that each landlady will learn something from the article for herself, and beginners will understand how to prepare a pickle.

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