/ / Caloric content of rassolnik

Caloric content of rassolnik

Soup-rassolnik in Russia is prepared from time immemorial. In the literary sources one can find descriptions of a dish very similar to what we now call a rassolnik, but under the name of potassium, the main ingredients in which are also salted cucumbers, potatoes, croup and cucumber brine.

How many calories are there in the pickle?

To date, you can find manyrecipes for cooking this soup, and depending on what foods are included in the dish, the caloric content of the pickle will be different. On average, the home soup rassolnik calorie content is not very large - from 46 to 230 kcal per serving (250 g).

The basis for this soup is the broth, whichcan be meat (on beef brisket, pork, with the addition of offal, as a rule, kidney), chicken, fish (this kind of rassolnik most of all will be similar to the previously mentioned calyx) or be purely vegetable.

With regard to cereals, for the classic pickler choose mainly pearl or rice cereals, rarely add millet or buckwheat.

Also mandatory ingredients are potatoes, onions, carrots, you can add parsley root, celery, other spices depending on the recipe and personal preferences.

Caloric content of classic classic on meatbroth with the addition of beef or pork kidneys can be about 213 calories per serving and it is shown to people of reduced nutrition, with a lack in their diet of animal fats and proteins. In addition, it has a lot of carbohydrates. Those who follow the figure and carefully calculate all the calories consumed per day, for preparation should choose lean meats or prepare vegetable varieties, then the caloric content of the pickle does not exceed 46-103 kcal.

It is also worth remembering that driedIngredients (if you choose them for cooking), in contrast to fresh, will make the caloric content of the pickle much higher (especially for dried potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms).

Below are 2 simple recipes of pickle, mushroom and fish, which, in my opinion, it is possible to diversify their home menu, along with a classic meat version of this dish.

Mushroom soup rassolnik

For this soup, you need to pre-soak for a few hours dried mushrooms in cold water, then boil them in the same water until ready, remove from the broth and cut into strips.

In the broth put the potatoes cut into bars (4 tubers), cook until ready, and at the end of cooking add 2-3 salted cucumbers, cut into small slices.

Season the soup with pre-saved in vegetable oil with onions and parsley root.

Top up the cucumber brine to taste, add the mushrooms and boil under the lid for another 5 minutes at low heat. If there is not enough salt, then salt.

Serve with sour cream and fresh herbs. (Note that this recipe for pickle is prepared without the addition of cereals.)

Rassolnik with fish

This rassolnik is also called fish hodgepodge. This type of rassolnik necessarily prepared with croup, it is best pearl barley, which is well washed and steamed for the time of cooking fish broth.

For its preparation take pike perch, perch oranother fresh fish, cleaned of scales, gutted, cut into portions, separating the heads, tails, fins, ridges (it is from them separately for an hour cooked broth). Ready broth is well filtered, added pieces of fish and cook for another 10-15 minutes, salt, then remove the fish. For piquancy when cooking, you can add a glass of white dry wine.

Further all the ingredients are boiled in fish broth, with the addition of potatoes, browned onions, carrots and root celery.

Serve this soup well with fresh herbs and sour cream.

Eat delicious and stay healthy!

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