/ / Dishes from turnip: tasty, satisfying and useful

Dishes from turnip: tasty, satisfying and useful

Dishes from turnips contain a lot of useful for ourorganism of substances, in particular starch, pectin, sucrose, fructose, organic acids, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium salts, vitamins (especially rich in turnip vitamin C). And this root crop itself already serves people for more than 4 millennia, and only a few cultures can overtake it by this characteristic.

Snack foods from turnips

Weight sandwich. Pack a piece of melted cheese (100 g) with chopped herbs (1 tablespoon) and softened with butter (2 tablespoons) so that you get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Clean, wash well 2 turnips and cut them into thin thin slices. Turn the turnip plates into bread slices, and lay the cheese filling on top. Decorate the snack can be chopped nuts or fresh berries.

Salads from turnips

Turnip with mushrooms. Brush, rinse and slice fresh mushrooms (250g), then fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Boil turnips (50g) and carrots (50g), then grate large on grater. Cut the salted cucumber finely. Mix all ingredients, which consists of turnip salad and mushrooms, salt, add fresh herbs (onion, mint, coriander or parsley). Dressing for this dish will serve as vegetable or olive oil.

The first dishes from turnips

Soup. Separate the turnip (2 pcs.) From the leaves. Wash up the water and chop it up. Purified turnip and carrots (1 piece) should be cut into strips. Perlovka (2 tablespoons) rinse, soak for a couple of hours, then pour water and put on fire. After boiling in a pot of water, throw to the barley carrot, turnips, tops, salt. Bring the soup back to the boil again, and then insist the dish under the lid for at least 20 minutes. Serve with vegetable oil.

Soup with turnips and croutons. Vegetables (3-4 pcs.)) clean, wash, cut into small cubes and throw in a pot of water. Cook until softened root. On the sieve, fold away the turnip and pour cold water over it to remove the possible bitterness. Now put the turnip into a saucepan with boiling meat broth (1.5 liters) and cook until ready. At the very end of cooking, sprinkle soup with salt, spices, butter (30 g). A few slices of wheat bread (8-10 pcs.), Soak in milk, then immediately fry in a frying pan lightly. The resulting croutons are cut into cubes or slices and served to a soup in a separate bowl.

The second dishes from turnips

Make a peeled vegetable roundan incision (on the side of the apex) to about half the thickness of the root crop. Turn the turnip into a saucepan, pour water (cold) so that the liquid hardly covers it, and boil until soft.

The onion head, finely chopped, fry in deepfrying pan or in a saucepan. Add rice here (half a cup) and fry for another ten minutes. Now pour into the frying pan the decoction broth (1-1,5 l), cover and bring the rice to the ready. When it is cooked, add to it the cut egg, which was hard-boiled, chopped parsley and mix. Turn the turnip from the pan, cool, cool, carefully remove the core with a spoon, so that thin walls remain. Fill the cavity with ground rice, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with vegetable oil and bake into a heated oven until a cheese ruddy crust appears. The dish should be served well with a sour cream or sour cream sauce.

Cutlets. Cook until soft turnip (500g) and make of it with mashed potatoes. Finely crumble the wheat bread (150-200g) and mix with turnips. Now put in half a cup of milk (hot). Mix the mass, cool a bit, add eggs (2 pcs.), Flour (a couple of table spoons), a mixture of fat and vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), roasted onions (2 heads). Please salt. Form the cutlets, roll them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on fat or vegetable oil. A more dietary variant of making cutlets from turnips is quenching them in sour cream or baking in an oven.

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