/ / Turnip: recipe for a prescription

Turnip: recipe for a prescription

Since ancient times, cooking has been using turnips. The recipe for the dish (and not one), which includes this vegetable, we suggest to study in this article.

turnip recipe

Recipes with turnips with photo and step by step instructions

What is not prepared from turnips - cereals, soups, casseroles, cutlets, salads. Consider the recipe of some dishes in detail.

Turnips: a recipe for a sandwich mass

Ingredients: 2 medium-sized turnips; a couple of tablespoons butter butter, packing (100 grams) of processed cheese, chopped greens.

Step-by-step instruction:

1 step

The turnip should be washed, cleaned and cut into thin pieces.

Step 2

Prepare the filling. Mix the butter with the greens, sliced ​​melted cheese. It should be a homogeneous mass without lumps.

Step 3

Then there are two options: or grate turnip on a grater and mix with the filling, or lay a thin slice of the vegetable on the bread, and on top place the stuffing. Additionally, you can decorate a sandwich with apples or chopped nuts. It turns out a useful and very tasty dish, which will appreciate all the adherents of proper nutrition.

Turnip: recipe for salad with berries

recipes with turnips with a photo

A simple and very vitamin-rich salad is enough.cook, having the following ingredients available: several pieces of turnips, half a glass of cranberries or currants (you can have both together), sugar or honey. If desired, add cumin or dill. The turnip should be washed, cleaned. Grate or cut into thin slabs. Combine berries and mix with turnips. Fill with sugar or honey.

Turnip: recipe for soup

This method of preparation is known from oldtimes. Usually they cooked this soup for fasting. Ingredients: 2-3 turnips with tops, a small carrot, a liter of water, several spoons of sunflower oil, salt and a couple spoonfuls of pearl barley.

1 step

Separate the turnips from the tops. Rinse and chop the greens. Peel and cut the carrots and turnips into strips.

Step 2

Perlovsku wash and soak for a couple of hours. Then pour water and bring to a boil. Put in the soup potato, tops, carrots. Salt and bring to a boil again. Leave the soup to infuse with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

Recipes from turnips in the multivark: soup peasant

Again a lean dish. Prepare it in a modern way, you can use a multivark. Ingredients: 2-3 turnips, half of the root of the rutabaga, half a glass of cabbage brine, onion, a little parsley root, garlic (1-2 slices), frying oil, chopped dill.

recipes from a turnip in a multivark

1 step

Set the "Baking" function. Heat the oil, save in it onions and parsley root (previously shredded).

Step 2

In the bowl of the multivarka place the polished andchopped turnips and rukukwu. Fry a little. Then pour boiling water and brine from the cabbage. Set the "Quenching" function for an hour and cook until softened vegetables.

Step 3

A few minutes before the end of the processseason the soup with grated garlic. Sprinkle with herbs and serve. If you cook the dish not during the fasting, you can replace the usual water with meat broth and serve to season the soup with sour cream.

Turnip: recipe with sauce

A good side dish will be turnip creamsauce. Ingredients: 3-4 small turnips, 4 chicken eggs, a couple of spoons of sugar, half a glass of cream (milk). Turnip wash, clean. Slice the vegetables into slices in half a centimeter thick. Boil in water without adding salt. Throw it in a colander. Make the sauce. Yolks grind with sugar, pour the cream and stew in a sauté pan until thick. Then mix the mixture and inject whipped proteins. Turnip sauce and serve as a side dish or a self-serving dish.

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