/ / Cake with caramelized apples: cooking secrets

Cake with caramelized apples: cooking secrets

Pie with caramelized apples - exquisitea treat that will suit not only for family tea drinking, but also for a festive table. Want to surprise guests with an unusual delicacy? Try to cook a fragrant cake with an unusual filling.

pie with caramelized apples

A variety of desserts

There are many recipes forto cook a pie with caramelized apples. The dough can be prepared according to the classic recipes of strudel or charlotte, or as a basis for any proven recipe for sweet pie. Apples perfectly harmonize with various spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, ginger. Such a filling is also good with a sweet biscuit dough, and with chocolate, and with sour cream. Depending on the variety, apples have a different degree of sweetness, so sometimes additions are needed in the form of honey, brown sugar or ordinary powdered sugar, which not only complement the taste of food, but also play a decorative role.

recipe for pie with caramelized apples

Caramelization of apples

The main party is called to play the filling. Caramelized apples have a pronounced sweet-bitter taste and a stable aroma. For the process, we need ordinary or brown sugar, water or apple juice and a small amount of butter. Before caramelizing apples, they must be peeled off - then they will be softer. Cut the fruit into slices, rings or semirings, be sure to remove the middle. Lubricate the frying pan with oil and warm it well. Put in the sugar and immediately start stirring with a wooden spatula. When it becomes transparent, add slices and mix so that the mass is distributed evenly. If you use a juicy variety, the liquid will not be required, there will be plenty of it already. But if apples are not too juicy, you can add a few spoonfuls of water. On average, the proportions of products are as follows:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • juice - 1 tbsp.

Change the proportions at your discretion, depending on the variety and the desired result.

how to caramelize apples

As soon as apples become soft and evenlycovered with viscous caramel, remove the frying pan from the fire and put the slices in the plate to cool them a little. This stuffing can be used to prepare a wide variety of desserts.

Sand cake

If you are looking for an easy-to-perform recipe,which is guaranteed to give a good result, try to cook this dish. Before caramelizing apples, make a dough. For him we will need:

  • bakery margarine (or spread) - 120 g;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 0.5 glasses.

Whisk the eggs with sugar until lush foam. Separately, combine margarine of room temperature with flour, rubbing the mass into a crumb. Add the beaten eggs, carefully knead and send to the refrigerator, wrapping the film, for half an hour.

sand pie with caramelized apples

Sand cake with caramelized apples is convenient to bake in a form with a low border. In an oven heated up to 190about, he will cook for 20 minutes.

Cooking in a multivariate

Modern technology greatly facilitates the task. Even the process of caramelization can be completely entrusted to a smart car. Just lay out the apples and sugar in a greased form and bake for 20 minutes in the mode "frying". At this time, do the test:

  1. Whip 3 eggs with a glass of sugar.
  2. Add a glass of flour, whisk again.
  3. If desired, sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon.

A cake with caramelized apples in the multivark at the "baking" mode is ready in 45 minutes.

Lush Biscuit

There are many ways to prepare such a test. It is cooked with boiling water, condensed milk, mineral water, lemonade, yogurt ... You can use any favorite biscuit recipe.

pie with caramelized apples in a multivark

Caramelized apples can be cookeda pie of unusual shape, for example, with a notch in the center. Remember: never put apples on the bottom of the mold, otherwise they will burn. It is better to pour the dough, and scatter the fruit on top of it, then they will drown and evenly distribute.

As a basis, you can take the following successful recipe:

  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 100 ml. oil (refined);
  • a glass of milk (hot);
  • 1.5 cups of flour, a pinch of vanillin;
  • a tablespoon of baking powder.

Beat the ingredients with a mixer, adding in the order in which they are indicated. The dough should be thick enough. The cake will be baked for 30 minutes.

Puff cake with caramelized apples

If you need to cook inexpensive, but verytasty dessert for the shortest possible time, use the ready-made puff pastry. Suitable and yeast, and bezdrozhzhevoe. Roll out the layer, lay caramelized apples on it, cut it at an angle into triangles or squares and move it to a greased form in random order. This pie will look very beautiful, because in form it looks like a bouquet of roses. And in order to get a crisp, just sprinkle the top of the cake with sugar before baking.

And here is another recipe for a pie with caramelized apples. From the puff pastry roll out the layer, lay out the lobules in one layer, cover with another layer. Carefully fix the edges. To prevent the dough from swelling, nibble with a fork, or rather make small cuts.

pie with caramelized apples

Feed to the table

Cake with caramelized apples can be servedto coffee or tea, light wine, fruit juice. To a delicacy looked beautiful, before serving, you can decorate it by pouring through the stencil with powdered sugar.

Some gourmets prefer to water the finished pie with homemade caramel sauce or chocolate icing. Perfectly harmonize with it fresh berries.

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