/ How much water do you need for a glass of rice for pilaf?

How much water do you need for a glass of rice for pilaf?

Pilau is a traditional Caucasian dish. Its history counts thousands of years. Today it is difficult to say where and when for the first time decided to mix ingredients such as rice, meat, carrots, onions and fragrant steppe spices. But the secret of cooking real plov is not only in the list of products.

It is believed that in the mountains the dish is cooked in the skinram, which is buried in the burning coals of the fire. The inhabitants of the steppes make it in huge cast-iron pots over open fire. Unfortunately, most Europeans are unable to cook pilaf in such ways, but this is not a problem. To the dish turned out fragrant, friable, moderately fat and juicy, you need to know some secrets. For example, how much water do you need for a glass of rice.

how much water do you need for a glass of rice

Why is it necessary to know the proportions?

A simple proportion of liquid and cereals providesthe correct texture of the dish. Rice as a result will not stick together, but it will not be too dry. Each grain, when properly prepared, separates from each other, because the pilaf turns friable and appetizing. But the answer to the question of how much water one needs on a glass of rice is not so unambiguous. It all depends on many factors that you should read in more detail.

how much water do you need for a glass of rice

Grade of rice

First of all, the type of cereals depends on how muchyou need water for a glass of rice. One variety can absorb more liquid, the other less. But for plov it's better to take long-grain Italian rice. "Basmati" or "Jasmine" will not work, as they are too quickly boiled, and with prolonged cooking lose shape. Fashionable today varieties of wild and black rice, too, should be excluded, despite their good taste and excellent taste.

Ideal option - unpolished rice. For example, you can take and Camolino. But in the birthplace of pilau, in Uzbekistan, this dish is prepared from a special variety - "Devzira". It is distinguished by large grains that have a pinkish hue. Although as a budget option is quite suitable steamed. It keeps its structure in the process of preparation, but it needs to be cooked a little longer. The usual method of cooking involves taking water twice as much as cereals. For plova fluid need even more.

how much water do you need for a glass of rice

Steamed rice

It should be noted that steamed rice absorbs inyou have more moisture than, for example, a round one. But how do you know how much water you need? A glass of steamed rice for cooking a regular garnish requires two to two and a half cups of liquid. For plov water will go more. It will take about three glasses. It is important to know that in the process of cooking pilaf with steamed rice, you can not open the lid of a pot or cauldron until the dish is completely ready. This will take at least 30-40 minutes. But there are other nuances in the preparation of this oriental dish. For example, in order to know how much water you need for a glass of rice, you need to determine the way of cooking pilaf.

how much water do you need for 1 cup of rice

Ways of cooking pilaf

There are two main methods of cooking pilaf. This is Azerbaijani and Uzbek. The way the dish is cooked determines how much water you need for a glass of rice. Nevertheless, the consistency in any case will be approximately the same. When rice is cooked properly, rice is well separated from each other, and no excess liquid is observed in the plov.

how much water do you need to cook a glass of rice

Azerbaijani pilaf

Azerbaijani pilaf has its own specificscooking, if you compare with Uzbek. Vegetables and meat in this case are fried separately. They should acquire a golden hue, after which all the ingredients are mixed in the cauldron for cooking pilaf. Rice falls asleep on top. Remember how much water you need. To weld a glass of rice is one thing, to cook a pilaf is quite another. Vegetables and meat also absorb the liquid during cooking, especially in the Azerbaijani recipe. Therefore, to add water, according to the recipe, you need even more. For example, two glasses of cereals, four and a half - water.

how much water do you need a glass of steamed rice

Uzbek pilaf

Technology of cooking Uzbek pilafsomewhat different. For him, you need to take a lot of fat. How to cook it? In vegetable oil fuming fat is fired, then onions are fried. To it meat, carrots are added. All mixed and poured a little water. It's about a glass. The mixture is stewed for a while. From this we can conclude that the liquid after falling asleep rice need less than for the first recipe. A glass of water will take one and a half to two glasses of water. It should be ensured that the liquid covers the rice no more than two fingers.

 how much water do you need for a glass of rice for pilaf

Basic rules of preparation

Knowing how much water you need for a glass of rice -This is not the only secret to preparing a legendary dish. There are several nuances that make it possible to make pilaf exactly as it should be: moderately greasy, friable, having a golden hue and an incredibly rich flavor. Many housewives and professional chefs can not achieve the desired effect. So what do you need to know in order to cook such a pilaf on an ordinary plate, which is obtained from steppe and mountain peoples?

Secrets, without which it is impossible to cook a real plov

You should remember the basic rules of cooking:

  1. Rice should be washed thoroughly 5-7 times. The water in which it is located must become completely transparent before you begin to drain it and fill the croup with cauliflower.
  2. The present pilau is not mixed during the preparation. The rice is neatly stacked over vegetables and meat, leveled. Mix all the ingredients immediately before serving.
  3. The choice of dishes is important. For pilaf it is better to use cauldron or a pan with thick cast-iron walls and a bottom. The lid should close the container tightly. During cooking it is best not to open it.
  4. In order to find out how much water you need for 1 cup of rice, you can just gently pour the liquid over the cereal to cover the pilaf by 3 cm.
  5. 5 minutes before the end of cooking in the groats should be stuck a few untreated cloves of garlic.
  6. After the cauldron is removed from the fire, it is better to wrap it for half an hour in a warm blanket. Then the rice will decay completely. Pilaf will have the right consistency.

how much water do you need for a glass of rice for pilaf


How much water do you need for a glass of rice for pilaf,to know is undoubtedly important. But there are other secrets. So, every oriental cook knows that the basis of the dish is spices. For pilau are ideal:

  • zir (cumin);
  • peppers of hot pepper;
  • garlic;
  • black pepper.

Salt is better to take sea, as it is in fullmeasure the taste of each of the ingredients. With all the rules of cooking, the dish should be simply unbeatable. It is prepared with the addition of different types of meat. It can be like lamb, pork, beef, chicken and even seafood.

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