/ How to cook pilaf at home?

How to cook pilaf at home?

Plov is a favorite Central Asian dish,the basis of which must be 7 required ingredients: onions, carrots, meat, fat (or oil), rice, water and salt, which ideally should be cooked in a large cauldron on a living fire in the street, and its preparation is akin to the sacrament. Prepared in Central Asia, as a rule, men, from fresh, freshly cut lamb with the addition of fatty fat - the taste and aroma of such pilaf are unmatched! Each plovovar will insist on his own recipe, how to cook pilaf correctly, and to say that it is necessary to know a special secret, which is not disclosed.

I do not argue - you do not compete with professionals, but the question: "How to cook pilaf at home?" - asked a lot, and indeed the recipes can not be considered.

The main question is how to prepare crumbly pilaf? In fact, many nuances - it is important what kind of rice you choose (there are sorts of "swimmers", and there are "porridge"), how much water you add, is there enough oil (or fat) in pilaf. And, of course, it is necessary to cook in the cauldron, or at least in the utyatnitsa - utensils must be necessarily with thick walls.

I want to tell my recipe how to cook pilaf at home.

As the family is small, I prepare from the calculationfor half a kilogram of meat (I do not take lamb, because for me lamb is good only when it is cooked on the street - let's say, the smell of this meat is for an amateur, and the fat of the lamb freezes very quickly), I most often take beef, not lean , but you can and other meat. If you want the pilau to turn out really delicious, then you need to take onions, carrots and rice almost as much as meat. I do not weigh onions and carrots, but I take 3 identical cups-one cuts large pieces of meat into one, cuts 2 large bulbs into another (I cut into 4 parts and then half-rings), and 2-3 carrots are also not small (carrots have to be cut into strips) .

So, how to cook pilaf at home?

All products are prepared - we begin to prepare zirvak (that is, roast meat and vegetables with the addition of spices for pilaf).

Half a kilo of meat leaves me a little morehalf a cup of vegetable oil. The butter must be very well calcined in the kazanke before laying vegetables and meat - until the characteristic smoke goes off, and then in turn: first I put onions, stirring intensively, bring it to a golden hue and there I put carrots, the fire must again be large to carrots did not start a lot of juice, and fried in oil, but you must stir all the time so that the onion is not burnt.

After about 10-15 minutes I lay down the meat, quickly itfry from all sides, so it is covered with crust, add spicy spices - zir, dried barberry, red pepper (you can take everything separately, and you can take a teaspoon of the prepared mixture), it is important that the spices are added to the oil, and not into the water, from them it is not enough, after all the spices fried in oil, along with onion-carrot roast will give appetizing aroma to our pilaf.

After the meat with vegetables and spices lightlyfried, add about a glass of water and bring the meat to the full readiness, reducing the fire, at the end slightly add salt. During this time, one taste and aroma will remain from the onion in the zirvak, and you will hardly ever recognize it.

If the meat is young, then this whole procedure will take no more than an hour, from strength to hour to quarter, and if you cook from a chicken, so generally quickly.

As for rice, many prefer a narrowlong-grain rice, although the Central Asian swim grades are most often round-baked. The most important is to sort out and wash the rice very well in cold water, so that as much of the starch comes out of it - until the water eventually becomes transparent. Depending on the variety, rice can be soaked for a while, but it can and does not soak, but thorough washing of polished rice is mandatory.

Prepared rice is laid on top of the cauldron,level and pour salted water, pouring on the walls of the caulk so that as a result of the water it was about 2 cm (or, as they say, the phalanx of the index finger). The water should boil and go under the rice when the lid is open, then we remove the fire to the minimum, we cover the cauldron with a plate and leave in that form for 30 minutes. To prevent the meat from getting burnt, we need to drill the wooden stick with a wooden stick in several places and if the water is not enough , then pour water into these holes.

Once the rice is almost ready, you need to collect itslide from the edges to the middle and inside this hill to put a whole head of garlic, right in the skin (rinse only, wipe and trim the place of the inflorescence). Again, cover the cauldron with a lid and leave over a small fire to ripen until the rice is ready.

Ready pilaf neatly mix or turn over to a large dish - (it looks especially nice if the meat lies on top of rice). You can also sprinkle a dish of finely chopped herbs.

Plov is good in hot form, so everything is to the table while it is smoking! Bon Appetit!

If someone has their own experience, how to cook pilaf at home - fine, share your experience!

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