/ Do you want to feel like a nobleman? Pork with pineapple is a recipe that will help you!

Do you want to feel like a nobleman? Pork with pineapple is a recipe that will help you!

Very often the word "pineapples" is associated with usprosperous way of life, and remembered also the phrase about grouse, so automatically dishes with pineapples ranked in the rank of luxury and wealth. And now, when they are already available to everyone, it is difficult to get rid of the feeling of it. Therefore, at the festive table it will be appropriate pork with pineapple, the recipe of which will be announced, and we ourselves will feel, at least, the nobles.

To make the dish a success, it is important to be able toto choose the right products for him. After all, the original components in many ways determine the taste. An important role is played by the skill of the chef and his desire to experiment with the products. Pork, like any meat, is preferable to choose chilled, it is more aromatic and juicier, and also excludes the preparatory stage, which saves the hostess time. But if the choice is limited to frozen meat, then you just need to prepare it correctly.

Get out of the freezer for 8-10 hours beforecook the dish and defrost at a temperature of 4-6 ° C on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. The lower the temperature drops, the better the taste of the dish will be. To do this, it is better to choose a lean pulp or with a small fat layer that only adds juiciness, it can be a tender neck part or a tenderloin.

Pork with pineapple, the recipe of which we took forbasis, includes, of course, the exotic fruit of pineapple. It is very rich in vitamins A, C, Group B, PP, contains magnesium, potassium, and is also the main source of bromelain. It is an active substance that breaks down fats and proteins, but its effect is manifested only in the absence of food in the stomach, otherwise bromelain acts as a digestive enzyme, activating only the process of fermentation. Therefore, often pineapple is positioned as a dietary fruit, but its juice is quite sour, so it is not necessary to take it on an empty stomach, especially people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. In canned pineapple acidity is not so noticeable, as softened by sugar.

This fruit has got to Europe thanks to travelsColumbus to America, where he was considered a sacred plant among the tribes of the Indians. Pineapple fell in taste to the English nobility. He was grown in greenhouses and insulated gardens to serve to the festive table and to important guests. An interesting combination of flavors carries pork with pineapple.

Recipe assumes the following:Ingredients: pork - 500 grams (preferably the neck portion), 200 grams of fresh or canned mushrooms, a can of canned pineapples (preferably rings), 150 grams of mayonnaise (preferably a high-calorie, it will not spread), 100 grams of rennet cheese, 70 grams of olives or olive , salt pepper.

The pork portion of the pork is washed under a flowingwater and dried with napkins until the moisture is completely removed, cut into serving steaks 1.5 cm thick, approximately 4 × 4 cm in size, sprinkled with a mixture of salt and pepper. We put it in a plastic bag, which will prevent splashing, and beat off the kitchen hammer on both sides, so that the steak increases in size by one and a half times. We lay the meat on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. Champignons cut with plates and fry until half cooked in a frying pan for 5-7 minutes over a small fire. Spread on chops for 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise, on top of it - mushrooms and a little more mayonnaise. Cover the mass with a pineapple ring and sprinkle with the cheese, grinded on a grater with small holes. Pork with pineapple and mushrooms is ready for baking.

In the center of a circle of pineapple we lay olives orolive tree. We place pork chops with pineapple in the oven. The dish is baked for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 ° C. Turn off the heat and give time 6-8 minutes to pork with pineapple, the recipe of which is very simple, soaked in juice. Garnish for this dish can not be served, but used as a cocktail version of the snack, if you need to give a large nourishment to the meal, then serve chops with traditional boiled rice.

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