/ / Cocktails with vodka at home. And that your head does not hurt!

Cocktails with vodka at home. And that your head does not hurt!

Not everyone wants to go to a bar or restaurant toskip a glass of another cocktail. Drink such as from the bartender, but at home - the dream of many. What could be better than relaxing in your favorite chair with a glass of good drink? Cocktails with vodka at home are some of the simplest kinds of such drinks. At least because the alcoholic base is ideal for many types of cocktails, both alcoholic and zero degrees.

cocktails with vodka at home

World Leader

What cocktail with vodka at home is the mostpopular? Of course, the "Screwdriver"! Perhaps, there is no such civilized and developed country, where would not drink vodka with juice. Most often with orange or pineapple. They most fully absorb bitterness from alcohol, nicely complementing the taste of vodka itself. The proportions depend on the size of the glass of the desired concentration of alcohol. A classic combination - for 100 grams of vodka as much juice. 1: 1 is the norm that everyone can overcome if there are no contraindications to the use of alcohol-containing beverages. In addition, a smaller proportion of alcohol causes faster intoxication. Simply because a person does not feel the taste of strong alcohol until the ground beneath his feet does not swing. Equal proportions allow you to fully experience the drink.

simple cocktails with vodka

"Little Mary"

Have you heard of Bloody Mary? And tried? Cocktails with vodka at home can not bypass this recipe - vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice, pepper and salt. The proportions are simple: 2 parts of alcohol, 1 part of a soft drink (tomato), ¼ of a lemon. Spices to taste. To fully experience the cocktail, you need to properly prepare it. First pour vodka, then lemon juice, then put the knife and pour tomato juice on its blade. The drink will be properly mixed, with interlayers. This will feel all his taste.

"Farewell to the heart"

The simplest cocktails with vodka, as a rule,the most unexpected. For example, "Farewell, Heart". Prevention at once - it is absolutely not possible for those who have problems with pressure, heart or stomach. It will take vodka and any nonalcoholic energy drink. Proportion one to three, many ice cubes. Categorically it is not recommended to drink more than one or two servings. Otherwise, for sure, good-bye, heart.

how to make a cocktail of vodka

"By screws"

Cocktails with vodka at home havedifferent from the name bars. So, the drink "From the screw" in the performance of bartenders is called "California screw". Why is that? Probably, because the inhabitants of California from him just screwed to the place where they sit. It will require vodka, grapefruit and orange juice, ice and a tube. Mix everything in equal shares in a high glass. Add the fine ice, insert the straw. Enjoy the drink that knocked Americans off their feet!

After figuring out how to make a cocktail of vodka,attention to the alcoholic basis. First, a good drink is a pledge of no morning headache. Secondly, the risk of poisoning is reduced to zero. Low-quality and low-quality alcohol is one of the causes of death of people all over the world. Cocktails with vodka at home allow you to use a real and good product.

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