/ Monasteries. The Holy Assumption Monastery. Holy Trinity Monastery

Men's monasteries. The Holy Assumption Monastery. Holy Trinity Monastery

A large number of Orthodox shrinesis concentrated on the most ancient Crimean land: man's monasteries and women's monasteries, temples, life-giving sources and much more. So, for example, near the city of Bakhchisaray you can see a picturesque gorge, which seems to cut through mountains. It is called Maryam-Dere and is translated from the Tatar language as "the gorge of Mary." This place is mesmerizing with its beauty, which is why a considerable amount of time ago it was decided to erect here the Holy Dormition Monastery. It is one of the oldest Orthodox shrines in the Crimea.

Versions of its origin

There are two variants of appearancethe monastery in question. The first version is represented by the assumption that it was founded in the VIII-IX centuries. escaped from Byzantium by monks-icon-worshipers. The gorge of Maryam-dere, in their opinion, was similar to the ancient Athos (Holy Mountain in the north of Eastern Greece) and reminded them of its native land. And also an important point was the presence here of a source of fresh water.

Holy Uspensky Monastery

The second version says that the Holy Assumptionthe monastery originated in the 15th century. It is supposed that it was moved to the gorge from the caves located near the southern gate of the fortress Kyrk-Or, which was captured by the Turks in 1475. The second version of the origin of the monastery is supported by the famous researcher AL Berthier-Delagard, who studies the Crimea. In his opinion, there were ancient manuscripts, which are evidence of the second version of the history of the appearance of the Orthodox shrine in question.

What happens to the monastery today?

For a very long time it was not restored. Therefore, at the moment the monastery is reborn through the hard work of parishioners, monks and patrons of art. At the moment, the cave Uspensky Church and the rock iconography located above its balcony have already been restored, and the staircase has been restored, which leads to the uppermost level, from where one can get to the bright cells.

The construction of the bell tower, the domes of which are gilded, is finished. They were cast at the Dneprodzerzhinsk metallurgical plant completely free of charge.

Also in the Holy Dormition Monasterythere is a list of the icon of the Mother of God, which is called Troeruchitsa. For many years it has been visited by many pilgrims, like many other male monasteries in the Crimea.

Holy Trinity Monastery

Documentary evidence regardingthe foundation of this Orthodox shrine and its first ten years of existence has not been preserved. There is a legend according to which the appearance of the monastery is associated with St. Sergius of Radonezh, who came to Ryazan in 1386. The purpose of his arrival was the reconciliation of the Moscow and Ryazan grand dukes, namely Dmitry Donskoy and Prince Oleg.

There are other versions, unconfirmedchronicles, one of which the Holy Trinity Monastery was created by Bishop Arseniy I of Ryazan in 1208, during the reign of Prince Roman Glebovich, as one of the fortifications erected on the perimeter of Pereyaslavl-Ryazan.

Chronological data

Like many Orthodox monasteries, hehas its own unique history. This shrine was repeatedly ruined during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. This was attested in the documents of the Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity from 1595-1597 and 1628-1629.

Trinity Monastery

In 1695 the stolnik II. Verderevsky erects a stone church in the place of a wooden monastery in the name of the Most Holy Life-Giving Trinity, which later, more precisely, in 1697, is referred to as the Church of St. John the Forerunner. Then he builds the bell tower in three tiers with a large gate to enter. Creates a stone fence, consisting of five corner towers, as well as various buildings of residential and economic type.

Then, in 1752, with the help of his grandson II. Verderevsky built a stone Sergievsky temple. Then the status of the monastery was denied. This happened on April 23, 1919. Later, namely in 1934, the main structures of the shrine were transferred to the continued use of the tractor workshop. Then they were operated by a locomotive depot, a driving school and a car equipment plant.

1987 was marked by the decision of the city executive committeeRyazan on the restoration of a monument of architecture and history of the pre-existing such an Orthodox shrine as the Trinity Monastery and perpetuating the memory of the great architect MF Kazakov.

Since the beginning of 1994 there has been a recoverySergievsky church, and on December 17, 1995, the consecration of his Predtechensky chapel was carried out. Then the Holy Synod decides on December 22, 1995 concerning the revival of the monastery in question. The main Sergievsky chapel was consecrated on April 8, 1996. And on November 27, 1997 - Feodorovsky chapel.

What does this Orthodox shrine offer pilgrims today?

Those wishing to visit the Holy Trinity manthe monastery is always available a comfortable hotel, in which you can share a meal and, according to the possibilities, stay for the night. Pilgrims are invited to visit the existing library, which has more than 1400 copies of books. In particular, there are texts of Holy Scripture, liturgical literature, creations of holy fathers, periodicals and many other books of spiritual and edifying reading.

Restored Savior-Transfiguration Monastery

One of the first references to this Saratovmonastery refers to the middle of the XVII century, the so-called left-bank era in the history of the city. After the devastating fire that happened on June 21, 1811, the old Orthodox shrine, located at that time near the Sokolovaya Mountain, completely burned down. In 1812, in connection with the Patriotic War and post-war devastation, the reconstruction of the monastic buildings was suspended.

Further, on the orders of Emperor Alexander I, inperiod, dated 1914, before the indicated shrine a new location is located outside the city, more precisely, at the foot of the Bald Mountain. Currently, there is a street called Prospekt 50 years of October.

The erection of the monastic complex, namely two buildings for the residence of the brethren and the Cathedral Church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord, began in 1816 according to the project of the famous architect Luigi Rusca.

In 1820 the consecration of the monastery took place. Then, in 1904, under the project of architects PM Zybin and VN Karpenko, a bell tower was built at the main church with funds from the donation of the founders of the Saratov circus-the brothers Nikitin. In the early 30-ies the monastery cathedral and a number of its buildings were dismantled, the bell tower was demolished.

St. Nicholas Monastery of the Ancient Town of Rylsk

Holy Nicholas Monastery
At the confluence of the river Seim and Rylo erectedthe above-mentioned Orthodox shrine in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. As for the area, it is very picturesque. The buildings of the monastery are located on the steep, that is, the hill, which has a steep eastern slope, going to the river, called Volynka. You can also admire the spreading plain, sometimes diluted with oak forests and meadows, which in turn are delineated by the meandering Seim River and numerous lakes. From the north side of the monastery there is a picturesque chain of hills covered with forests. They have steep white slopes bearing the name of the Cretaceous Viskol Mountains.

Chronicle evidence

In these records, a mention was made of a mentionthe miraculous help rendered by St. John to the town of Rylsk at difficult times for him. In 1240, according to the words of the chronicler, only Rylsk was preserved to a large extent after the Batyov pogrom. The reason was that the residents called their patron, after which he appeared as a face on the wall, which blinded the Tatars and thereby saved all. Further, in 1502, also the intercession of the saint saved the city from the troops of the Golden Horde khan named Ahmet.

The Nikolaev Monastery, which was calledearlier Volyn desert, was first mentioned in 1505. This period later became the date of its foundation. Then, in 1615, the shrine was burnt by the Polish-Lithuanian troops False Dmitry. And only at the beginning of the XVIII century on the ground before wooden churches were built stone, in particular, two-story Nikolsky, the lower temple of which is illuminated in honor of the revered icon of the Mother of God, called the Sign of the Kursk Korennaya, Krestovozdvizhensky and Troitsky.

Schiarkhimandrite Ippolit, who was known to the Orthodox world as an elder, played an important role in the revival of the monastery, compared the structure of churches with the sailing of Nikolai the Savior on ships.

nikolaevsky monastery

Raifa monastery

It is located 30 km from Kazan. The remarkableness of this place is characterized not only by the magnificent architectural execution of the monastery, but also by a very entertaining story about its foundation.

Monk Filaret decides to sacrifice hisinheritance, left after the death of parents, to charity, and devote himself to serving the Lord. For this he goes to study at the Moscow seminary. Subsequently, Filaret is gaining popularity as a spiritual mentor. Strong attention from the parishioners begins to weigh him, and he walks to the city of Kazan. During the wanderings in the impenetrable forests near the Smolensky Lake, he is a sign. It was an outstretched hand that pointed to the holy place intended for the building of the temple. First he built a hut where he lived as a hermit. So the history of the monastery began, and the sacred place among the people was nicknamed "Raifa", which is interpreted as "God's safe place". To my deepest regret, Filaret did not see a full-fledged structure, now known as the Bogoroditsky Monastery.

Theotokos Monastery

What does an Orthodox shrine look like today?

In the monastery it is customary to get up early. At half past seven in the morning a bell chime is heard. This indicates that the parishioners are invited to the morning prayer. The path to the Raifa monastery is laid out with numerous flower beds. To the right of it is the Cathedral of the Georgian Mother of God. The walls of the monastery are decorated with her icons.

In the center of the monastery square Troitsky was erecteda cathedral built in the beginning of the last century. He is one of the unique representatives of architectural mastery as to how the monasteries of that era were created. There are unusual acoustic features, due to which the singing of the church choir rushes and flies to a distance of more than three kilometers.


Currently, a lot of power is applied toto revive unique Orthodox traditions and, of course, shrines. First of all, it concerns the re-establishment of churches and monasteries due to the fact that they are not only institutions that help meet the religious needs of believers, but also spiritual and historical centers that form the foundation of the Russian state.

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