/ / We go to Achair Monastery for healing

We go to Achair Monastery for healing

There are many holy places in Russia where pilgrimages can be made. Pilgrims are people who visit temples and life-giving springs to purify themselves and strengthen their faith.

One of the most popular places of pilgrimage inRussia is the Achair Monastery in the Omsk Region. In this abode Orthodox come to pray and plunge into the water of the Holy Man-Made Lake.

Acaryr monastery
To see Achair Monastery (Omsk), baptism in healing water, it is possible during pilgrimage tours. Such trips are regularly organized by Orthodox dioceses.

For those who go to Achair Monastery, Omsk is a city from which acquaintance with the holy places of the region begins.

In this city, organized Orthodox groups arrive by train or plane.

In Omsk, pilgrims visit the Holy Assumptionthe cathedral, where they attach to the arch with the healing relics of the new martyr, Bishop Sylvester. One day is spent on visiting the temples of Omsk. Then the pilgrims are taken by bus to the Achaair Monastery, where they are settled into a hotel and provided with food in the monastery dining room.

The history of the Achaire monastery began in 1890. At that time, near the village of Achair, there was a female Orthodox community. The Prior of the community organized a fundraising for the construction of the stone church of Archangel Michael. This church was consecrated in May 1903 and became the first fundamental construction of a convent. For a few years, with funds donated by Emperor Alexander III, temples and chapels were built, which became the basis of the modern monastic complex.

Achair Monastery Omsk
In the years of Soviet power the Achairy monastery wasplundered. From 1920 to 1930, the buildings of the monastery housed the administration of the NKVD. From 1930 until Stalin's death, a prison operated on its territory.

In the 90s the Achair Monastery was rebuilt with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II.

Today, on its territory in the name of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, there are five chapels, seven temples and a hotel for pilgrims.

Achair Monastery is famous for its healing lake. The water enters it from a source a kilometer in depth. The source and the lake are man-made. The lake was created after the Divine will appeared in a dream to the local Vladyka Theodosius. Subsequently, the source and the lake was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II.

Acharyr Monastery Omsk Baptism
Scientists have identified in Acharya mineral water bromine,calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, carbon dioxide and chlorine, metasilicic and orthoboric acids. Drinking this water facilitates the symptoms of diseases of the endocrine system, the liver, as well as ulcers and gastritis. Even cases of complete healing after drinking water from the Achaire spring are documented. It is noteworthy that at any time of the year this mineral water keeps the temperature of the human body (36.6 degrees Celsius). Therefore, the bathing in the Achaire lake in winter is safe even for the unbaptized.

Going to Acheir monastery for healing, do not rely only on the chemical composition of water. The main source of life-giving power for a Russian person is the Orthodox faith.

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