/ How to plan a garden and a garden?

How to plan a garden and a garden?

Currently, many people have a countrysidea house with a small plot of land, which they would like to take under the garden or garden. It would seem that at first glance a fairly simple task, however, that everything was not only beautiful, but also practical, it is necessary to work hard on the proper planning of the land. This task is not simple, because in the planning process you need to adhere to certain rules. On how to plan a garden and garden, photos of which will look simply amazing, as well as existing models of planning and will be discussed later in this article.

Planning the infield: where to start?

Before you talk about how to plangarden, it is necessary to understand what it is and why it is needed. Planning is the breakdown of a piece of land into separate zones in order to rationalize its use. But where should we start? The first step is to determine the purpose for which the land will be used. You can plant a plot with fruit trees or shrubs, make a garden out of it, or you can do it right and right, and combine the garden and the garden. In the latter case, all the complexity lies, since not all people know how to plan a garden properly. Therefore, you should start with creating your own unique idea. If your imagination is not enough, you can turn to landscape designers for help.

how to plan a garden

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning

Make a garden or vegetable garden out of a plot of landindividually is not so difficult, but if you want to grow both vegetable and fruit crops, then in this case, without a proper and thoughtful planning simply can not do. How to plan a garden and a garden so that they are as convenient as possible? All planning work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Draw on the sheet of paper an approximate sketch of how you want to see your infield. Determine in advance where the beds will be, and where you plant fruit trees.
  2. Calculate the total area of ​​the plot and distributeit's in the zones that will be used for planting these or those crops. In this case it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is not recommended to plant trees too close to each other. You should also pay attention to how to plan a garden plot. Everything should be thought out literally to the smallest detail, so as to maximize the use of each meter of land for landing.
  3. Decide what crops you will begrow. In the garden you can plant potatoes, as well as a few beds to take away for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other vegetable crops. In the garden you can plant one species of fruit trees, as well as several raspberry bushes, currants and strawberries. It all depends on your desires and preferences.
  4. Determine the type of soil on your garden, as well as its properties. This is very important, since the quantity and quality of the future crop depends on the quality of the soil.

how to plan a garden and garden photos
If you do not know how to plan a gardenyourself, ask for help from qualified professionals. They will not only help to distribute the land plot more rationally, but will also prompt which types of plants can be planted together and which ones do not, select the best fertilizers and tell about the intensity of irrigation and the rules for caring for the plants.

Drawing up a scheme for the infield

When you finally decide how to plangarden and garden, photos of which will please you and your loved ones, as well as carefully think through all the nuances, you can begin to compose a planting scheme. About how to do it, we will talk further.

What should be indicated in the diagram?

You should think as best as possible, not only what crops will grow on your garden, but also on what basis they will be planted.

how to plan a garden photos

The scheme of landing can be developed independently, without resorting to the help of professionals, but the following instruction will help you in this:

  1. Take a picture of the infield to always have his picture at hand. This will allow you to correctly draw a diagram and avoid a lot of errors in the planning process.
  2. Make a plan for your summer cottage site with the location on it of all the buildings and the plot of land that you want to plant.
  3. Apply the markup to the diagram. This will allow you to calculate the optimal distance between trees and beds.

To make it more convenient to work with the diagram and get a clearer picture of the future garden and garden, you can paint individual zones in different colors.

how to plan a garden and garden

Land planning: review of existing models

If you do not know how to plan a gardenon your own, then you can use the ready-made layout models. There are quite a few models, but the main and most common today are only three: decorative, rectangular and arbitrary. Just worth mentioning that when choosing a model, you should be guided not only by personal preferences, but also by the peculiarities of the relief in your dacha. Let's take a closer look at each model and talk about its features, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Decorative model

Excellent for those people who do not wantstrongly zamorachivatsya with gardening and plan to grow only ornamental plants and plantings. This model involves the improvement of a certain piece of land in the form of a circle, which is planted with flowers and shrubs. Around the original flowerbed is not too densely planted bushes of currants and raspberries. If the area of ​​the land allows, it is also possible to plant several fruit trees.

Rectangular model

If you do not know how to plan a garden,photo of which you will need to do after the completion of planning, then the best option is to use a rectangular layout model. It is universal, because it allows one part of the land to be used under the garden, and the other to take it under the garden. The land plot in this case can have a square or rectangular shape. At the beginning of the plot, vegetable garden beds are made, berry bushes are planted next to them, and fruit trees are usually a little further away.

how to properly plan a garden

Arbitrary model

Used on non-standard land plotsshape regardless of size. The number of beds and fruit-bearing plants depends exclusively on the area, and the principle of their planting is completely identical to the one used for the rectangular model.


Now you have a detailed idea of ​​how,how to plan a garden. Despite the fact that this task is not easy, especially for people who do not have experience in doing such work, nevertheless, if you follow the instructions and recommendations described in this article clearly, you will certainly succeed.

how to plan a garden plot
Finally, it should be noted that, whatever modelplanning you have chosen, you need to take into account the features of the land plot, as well as the natural factors of your region. In addition, for planting, use only young seedlings, because the old trees give very little harvest. Do not be afraid to experiment on your site. It does not work only for someone who does nothing.

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