/ / How to level a plot of land in the country

How to level a piece of land in the country

how to level a plot
When buying a cottage, a country house, you canto face such a problem as the slope of the site. If this is the only drawback, then you can fix it yourself or with the help of hired workers. The relief of your territory can change with time under the influence of weather conditions. Before you level the plot, think about whether it is appropriate. Hide or successfully beat the natural features of the landscape can be through design. Beautiful shops, swings, paths, ornamental ponds, flowerbeds will help visually improve even the most uneven plot. If excavation is inevitable, then it is necessary to proceed with them wisely. Before you align the area, schedule the work plan and the costs for them.

how to level a site with your own hands

A small area under a flower bed or a playground forChildren's games can be fixed independently with the help of a shovel and a rake. Stock up with pegs, twine, measuring tape. Before leveling the site, drive wooden sticks along its edges. Pull the string so that the height in the whole territory is equal. Orienting on the resulting level, remove the top layer of the earth and keep it away, because it is the most fertile. Then, from the high edge of the area, the shovel removes excess soil and is transferred to a lower level. It is not necessary to tamp down the earth. Fertile layer is filled from above. The rake will help to level the area. The soil will need time to settle. It is enough not to disturb the site for two weeks. After the alignment of the site with their own hands was successful and the land sagged, you can start planting works.

In order to prepare a lawn area foractive recreation, you need to change a large enough territory. The slope of a section of such dimensions can be leveled with a cultivator if the angle of inclination is small. For this, plow the land two or three times, then level it with rakes evenly.

how to level a holiday plot

If the amount of work can not be done by a person, it is betterto attract machinery for earth works. A small tractor with a bucket can dramatically change the terrain in a relatively short time. If the bias is particularly large, you will need to bring land to level the territory. If you plan to plant a garden in this area, then get fertile soil. Usually, after leveling the plot of land was successful, the land is allowed to settle for a whole winter until next season. It is possible to speed up this process. To do this, take a large barrel of water and tamp the earth with it, rolling over the site.

When cleaning, clean as much as possiblesoil from construction waste, garbage, tree roots and stumps. The roots of the weeds that you come across when loosening are to be thrown away from the site. This will reduce the amount of unnecessary grass in your garden. It is useful to leave the dug up earth in this form for the winter. During this period, it will be typed nutrient water, oxygen, natural fertilizer, which will be beneficial to the future harvest. We hope that from this article you have learned in detail how to level a site under a bed, a garden, a lawn, a children's playground or radically change the landscape.

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