Garden on the window in the kindergarten: decoration (ideas)
When the phrase "kindergarten" sounds,Everyone immediately reminisces their memories related to educators, kindergarten friends, holidays. And indeed, as soon as a child begins to visit the DOW, his life changes radically. And how much each child will be successful and curious, largely depends on the caregivers, on their interest in the development of children. Now, as part of the program for the development of children, educators are encouraged to create creative projects called "garden on the window in the Dow".
Why do you need a "garden on the window"?
The goal of this project is to educateecological culture of children, the development of cognitive interests, as well as the formation of aesthetic feelings of preschoolers. Undoubtedly, to achieve this goal, we need to move from simple to more complex, relying on the age opportunities of children.
- middle group (4-5 years);
- senior group (5-6 years);
- preparatory group (6-7 years).
Basic requirements of the project
To create the project "Garden on the window in the garden," the main requirement of which is the safety of children, it is necessary to remember the following:
- the size of the created mini-beds should not exceed the size of the windowsill;
- The garden on the window should be located in a safe area for children;
- use of fertilizers in kindergarten is prohibited.
- Enough lighting. It is best to arrange the garden on the window on the sunny side. If there is no such window, then you need to create additional lighting.
- Temperature regime. For comfortable plant growth, a temperature of at least + 17 degrees Celsius is required.
- The soil. Based on the fact that fertilizers can not be used in kindergarten, it is best to buy ready-made soil in specialized gardening stores.
Observance of all these requirements will help in creating a safe and fruitful vegetable garden on the window.
How to create a garden for children 4-5 years?
Age opportunities for children are not yet very high,and here, of course, the main activity rests with the educator. On the window, the average group can decorate the garden with the most primitive ones: they are wooden boxes in the size of a window sill, painted in bright colors to attract the attention of children. It is best at this age to use no more than two beds, because comparing several objects the children are just starting to learn. Seeds should be chosen for planting large (onions, peas, beans), small motor skills are developed at this age is weak, and sow seeds of cucumbers or dill the children simply will not be able, and therefore will not receive positive emotions.
The garden at the window for children 5-6 years old
This age category differs fromthe previous one is that children already have accumulated experience in creating a garden and formed the basics of caring for them. The vegetable garden on the window can be created by the older group with a more diverse type of crops, there may be children's onions, beans, peas and new vegetable crops such as cucumbers. Cultivation will require more attention from the children, except for familiar watering it will be necessary to loosen the ground around the shoots, make and correctly place the net for weaving the cucumber around the window.
The garden at the window for children 6-7 years old
The vegetable garden on the window preparatory group is alreadycreates by all the rules of conducting garden activities. Children aged 6-7 years can be trusted already very much, the caregiver is responsible for monitoring the process. Children themselves can sow seeds, water the garden in accordance with the schedule of duty, keep a calendar of observations. Here, the educator needs to divide the group into groups, and for each group to fix a certain plot of the garden. This is necessary so that children not only learn how to take care of plants, but also gain experience in communicating with each other in order to convey information on the experience they have accumulated. Each child should be included in the project "Garden on the window in the kindergarten." Registration is also the responsibility of children.
"Garden on the window" - his role in the educational process
It's no secret that the creation of anyproject in kindergarten should promote the educational process. The garden on the window is no exception. With the proper use of this project, children do not just learn to care for it, but also expand their vocabulary with the help of:
- acquaintance with new words (watering can, planting, loosening, seeds);
- use of rhymes, sayings, riddles about cultivated crops.
This has a positive effect on the development of speech.
In addition, for any of your employment, Cipollino or Senor Tomato can come and ask the children to help solve this or that problem. After all, the game form of training is the main one in the Dow.
Diary of observations "Vegetable garden on the window in the nurserygarden "(decoration) brings up in children a sense of responsibility for the performance of tasks. And also broadens their horizons, they get acquainted with such concepts as clear weather, cloudy, rainy, temperature regime.
The garden on the window as the founder of the research activity of the child
Every child who participates in thethe creative project, without even realizing it, becomes a small researcher. At first he is curious about the process of seed germination and the appearance of escape. Then, with the help of the educator, the task becomes more complicated, the child starts looking for answers to the following questions:
- Why does one plant have a bright green color, and another pale, sometimes even yellow?
- Why are we spraying plants with different frequency, we noticed that one of them withered?
Undoubtedly, to correctly answer these questionsquestions, you need to teach children to observe. And in order not to forget their observations, they need to be recorded somewhere. Here, they will be assisted by a diary of observations "A vegetable garden at a window in a kindergarten", the design of which will first be administered by the educator, and then the pupils themselves.
The role of parents in the project "Garden on the window"
Of course, all children of preschool age are dividedwith parents their impressions, whether they are good or bad. Here the main thing for parents is to show interest, to help the teacher-educator and their child in creating the creative project "Garden on the window in a kindergarten", the registration of which requires:
- understanding of ongoing processes;
- fresh artistic views;
- opportunities to share their experience.
If children see their parents' participation in their kindergarten problems, they will never become self-contained people.
The result
It would seem, a simple project "Garden on the window", andhow many tasks of the educational process can be solved at once. Experiment, set new tasks, and your seeds will surely give you beautiful shoots.