/ How and when to plant petunia in the open ground?

How and when to plant petunia in the open ground?

Petunia quite deservedly bears the title of "queenflowerbeds. "This beautifully blossoming plant enjoys great love and popularity amongst flower growers, grown on balconies, in gardens, flowerbeds, in hanging pots and large pots. A large selection of varieties and shades allows creating fabulously beautiful compositions. end of January and early February, but when to plant petunia in the open ground?

when to plant petunia in the open ground
Ready seedlings can be planted in flower beds in the secondhalf of May. Then the sun warms the earth well, and the plants do not freeze from the night frosts. Of course, flowers can withstand low plus temperatures and even slight minuses, but still they are thermophilic, so for normal growth and flowering in sunlight and warmth, petunia is very necessary.

Seeding on seedlings for many novice growersseems too complicated. Petunia is really very capricious, to grow it from seeds, you need to try hard. Proper care, good lighting, and adherence to the temperature regime are necessary here. Without it everything just does not rise petunia. Landing and maintenance in the open ground consists in frequent watering, fertilizing fertilizer and tearing off the wilted inflorescences.

Because growing flowers from seedsis a very complicated procedure, many try to bypass this process. To do this, they buy ready-made seedlings when it's time to plant petunia in the open ground. Of course, it will cost more, but such bushes will bloom earlier and will surely grow large and healthy. Before planting it is necessary to prepare a place, it must be open and sunny. If it is a flower bed, it is better to plant flowers on the edges, because petunia is short, and in the middle put something higher.

petunia planting and care
When planting petunia in the open ground will bealready it is possible, the earth needs to be dug up, to bring in organic fertilizers. The soil must be sufficiently loose and drained, this will help to avoid stagnation of water. If you plan to plant petunia in garden flowerpots, you should prepare a nutrient substrate so that it does not need any useful substances. This can be ordinary land, taken from the garden, peat and humus, the soil will not only be nutritious, but also loose.

When to plant petunia in the open ground -depends entirely on the climatic features of the region, if already in April it is warm and there are no frosts, then it can be planted even then. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts until October.

petunia seeding on seedlings

To maintain an attractive appearanceIt remains only in time to break off the dry flowers and periodically make mineral top dressing. To get an attractive thick bush you need to spend time pinching. To do this, you need to cut off the tip of the tallest stem. Such manipulation will allow growth of lateral shoots and improve flowering.

To become the owner of a flowerbed,it is necessary to put a lot of effort, take care of their wards, water them and make fertilizing. But all the works will be rewarded with a beautiful motley blossom that will delight the eyes the whole summer and even half of the autumn.

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