/ / How to grow dahlias and prepare for planting

How to germinate dahlias and prepare for planting

Before germinating dahlias, they should beprepare. The planting process should be carried out in early May. It can be cool and humid weather, but this only contributes to the formation of dahlias strong root system. Thanks to this, the development of colors will be much better. Dahlias are not afraid of transplanting into the open ground and get well.

Before germinating dahlias, on the initialThe dried roots are cut off and sprinkled with fine charcoal. Then the tubers are transplanted into a box, which must be filled with peat, sawdust or fertile soil. Tubers should stand on a well-lit windowsill at a temperature of 18-23 C. Seedlings should be hardened so that the plants are healthy and resistant to bad weather conditions. The box can be taken out to the open air periodically, but it is necessary to monitor the temperature and humidity in it.


How to germinate dahlias

After at least 15 days, division is madetubers. They are excavated, washed and cut. It is necessary, that a tuber with a neck had not one, but several shoots. Before germinating dahlias, it is necessary to prepare pots or boxes with cells. Then the separated tubers begin to germinate in them. The bases of the shoots are left at the surface and do not fall asleep, otherwise the tubers will not develop. Before planting dahlias in the open ground, the tubers are treated with slightly diluted potassium permanganate. Plant only those tubers that have germinated and prepared for planting, otherwise all work will be meaningless. In the open ground dahlias are planted not earlier than the beginning of June, and under the film - in mid-May.

All about dahlias can be learned by reading setliterature devoted to this flower. We will try to highlight the main points. It is known for certain that dahlias are light-loving plants, so it is better not to plant them in the shade. Holes for planting should be deep, a diameter of approximately 35-40 centimeters and a depth of one bayonet spade (25-30 cm). Usually, tubers are planted in two rows on a meter bed. The distance between tubers of low-growing varieties should be at least 50 centimeters, and tall ones - 80 centimeters.

The excavated hole is filled with humus orcompost. Complex fertilizers are often used. Fertilizers in the amount of 50 g are mixed well with sufficient amount of earth for top dressing and added to the hole. Tubers in the hole are laid strictly horizontally, which contributes to the formation of new roots from escape. With a vertical planting, root growth occurs on an old tuber, and this can eventually lead to spoilage and loss of variety.

Dahlias care and cultivation

A tuber with a sprout is sprinkled so that the place wherethe neck of the tuber is attached to the sprout, it was sprinkled with a layer of soil 4 cm thick. The hole is made shallow. If the earth is a bit damp, then dahlias are not watered additionally.

Tall dahlias: care and cultivation

Plants of tall varieties need a garterand processing. In advance near each planted tuber, a peg is driven in, so as not to damage the overgrown root system of the dahlia. If the soil is treated superficially, the dahlias are not tied, as they will be sufficiently stable.

All about dahlias

Before germinating dahlias, it is necessarytake into account the moments described above. Although these flowers are unpretentious, nevertheless they must be sprouted correctly, so that in the future they do not bring trouble and only delighted you with their beauty.

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