/ / Annual dahlia cultivation and care

Annual dahlia cultivation and care

To date, an effective decoration of the siteare annual dahlias. Growing them will not cause much trouble. These flowers are very popular among gardeners. And this is quite understandable. Plants have colorful and bright flowers, which are very similar to perennial dahlias. In addition, all their species have a long flowering period.

Dahlina is a perennial or annual plantwith a tuberous root system belonging to the family of Compositae. The native land of this wonderful flower is the countries of Mexico, Chile and Peru. In ancient times, the Indians often grew the plant because of edible tubers. In Europe dahlias appeared about 410 years ago.

The height of the plant is from 25 to 65centimeters. They are characterized by abundant branching, pinnate and large leaves. Coloring the flowers is diverse: from pastel to bright colors. The flowering period of the plant lasts from the beginning of the summer and until frost. Dahlias will look beautiful on flowerbeds, along roads and on lawns. Growing annual dahlias can be produced and at home, for example, on a balcony or in special boxes.

Popular types and varieties of dahlias

The most popular varieties of dahlias are:

  • "merry guys" - plants have a height of up to 90 centimeters, flowers are not large, large;
  • "minion mishung" - the plants have a height of about 48 centimeters, the inflorescences are non-primary, medium-sized;
  • "Rigoletto" - plants have a height of up to 48 centimeters, inflorescences half-marble, small.

In the autumn, annual dahlias form tubers.

Annual dahlias. Cultivation and planting

Annual dahlias should be planted in the groundafter the end of the spring cold. Place them in warm and bright places. Make sure that the soil is fertile and loose. After landing in the open ground, in the early days provide the plant with abundant watering, then water moderately.

In order for the flowering period to be long, pinch the main shoots and remove the flowers that have already faded.

Annual dahlias. Cultivation from seeds.

Cultivation from the seeds was previously allowed, onlyif it was required to withdraw new varieties. But at the present time, the reproduction of this plant can occur in a seeded way, while the varietal qualities of plants are not lost. However, it will not be possible to divide such flowers with tubers in the future.

Cultivation of dahlias from seeds takes place bysowing in the open ground. The seeds of the plant are large. Seedlings can appear within 7 days after seeding. But remember that seeds and seedlings can die if the air temperature drops to minus one degree. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seedlings after the end of the spring cold.

Plant seeds can be harvested shortly afterflowering period. In the maturing stage, the seeds will acquire a brownish-dark color. Cut the flower baskets in a ventilated and dry room, then remove from debris and pour into a paper bag. In this way, the seeds can be stored until the very spring.

If you have already planted annual dahlias,the cultivation of these flowers will be better with a regular change in the place of their planting. It should be done so that the plant does not fall into its original place earlier than in 2.5 years. Also, do not plant the plants in places where the previous plants had fungal diseases. If the change of seats during landing is not possible, then the soil and soil should be replaced in those holes where dahlias will be planted. Make sure that there are no weeds around the flower. Try to make weeding as necessary. Once a week in the evening, spray plants, but avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Many people appreciate and like annual dahlias: growing them for sale can be one of the ways to replenish the family budget.

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