Eggplant Epic F1: reviews, description, cultivation, productivity
Vegetable cultures of the Solanaceae family deservedlyare popular all over the world. Among them, the most thermophilic is the eggplant. This culture is not only a product for delicious dishes. The content of vitamins and minerals, salts of copper, potassium favorably affects the human body. In cardiovascular diseases it is useful to eat eggplant. In dietary cuisine, there are many excellent dishes from a healthy vegetable called blue. And it should not be surprising that many gardeners grow this pretty whimsical culture on the beds. It is represented by a variety of different varieties and hybrids. Among them, eggplant Epic F1 deserves attention.
When choosing a variety of vegetable cultureattention to a few characteristic features. First of all, it is the quality of fruits, yield and resistance to disease. Any vegetable culture has its advantages, as well as disadvantages. Popularly enjoyed by those who have a minimum number of problems in growing and grooming, and also will be well developed and abundantly bear fruit in certain climatic conditions.
Peculiarities of growing
The heat-loving plant is quite sensitive totemperature regime. It is planted in the open ground, when there is a stable warm weather, or grown in a protected ground. Seeding of seedlings is carried out two or two and a half months before the proposed date of disembarkation. For the growing in the conditions of film greenhouses, this event is planned for early February. In the open ground, plants can be moved while establishing favorable weather conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to grow seedlings.
Seed preparation
Based on the reviews of farmers and farmers, you cansay that eggplant Epic F1 is a reliable and powerful hybrid. His seeds can not be obtained by himself. They are produced by TM Seminis (Holland). The seeds are dense and not large.
Growing seedlings
Prepared seeds are sown in a speciallyprepared earth mixture. Its composition should be fertile and aerobic. The mixture can be purchased at flower shops or at points of sale of goods for the garden. It's also easy to cook on your own in the fall period. The composition of the soil for seedlings includes: peat, humus and turf. As additives, wood ashes and superphosphate are used. Seed the seeds in seedlings, which are then covered with polyethylene, creating a greenhouse effect. The temperature for germination of seeds should not be less than 25 degrees Celsius.
After the appearance of the first sprouts, the boxes are transferredin a well-lit place. When there is a lack of light, the eggplant Epic F1 is strongly stretched. The responses of truck farmers growing planting material contain advice - to illuminate with fluorescent lamps, whose power ranges from 40 to 80 watts. The period of illumination will be required from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Such a regime will allow to grow a quality planting material and prevent the stretching of plants.
When two real leaves appeardive. For this you need plastic or peat cups. The subsequent care will consist in regular watering, top dressing and observance of temperature and light modes. A week before planting in the open ground, the plants are quenched. When moving to a permanent cultivation site, 5-7 leaves and a powerful root system should have eggplant Epic F1.
When establishing the necessary weather conditionsEggplants are planted in open ground. The site for this culture should be fertile and well lit. The best predecessors are melons and legumes, carrots and onions. Before planting, make well-repaired manure and humus at a rate of 2 to 6 kg per square meter.
The eggplant Epik F1 differs by its height. The planting scheme for this hybrid with a square-nesting method of planting is 70x70 cm. If the plants are planted in rows, the distance between them is maintained at least 90 cm. This will ensure the normal nutrition of the powerful plant. Between the landing holes are left from thirty to forty centimeters.
Eggplant Epic F1, the cultivation of whichadapted to a wide range of conditions, provides for a number of agrotechnical measures. The plant is demanding for the moisture content of the soil cover. Regular copious waterings will be required. Do not dry the soil. The second major agrotechnical measure, which will ensure high yield, is the introduction of fertilizers. During the growing season, at least three additional dressings will be required. The terms of fertilizer application can be divided into several stages:
- the first - mass flowering;
- the second is the beginning of fruiting;
- the third is the mass formation of fruits.
Lack of moisture and nutrients canlead to drying out and falling colors, which will lead to a decrease in eggplant productivity. During the whole period of cultivation, weeding and loosening of the soil is carried out.
Plant protection
Eggplant Egg F1 is resistant to the tobacco virusmosaic. However, there is a whole detachment of pests that damage plants. These include: a bear, slugs, scoop, spider mites, Colorado beetle and aphid. Also no less dangerous are diseases: wilting and various rot. If the crop rotation is observed, regular agronomical measures can be taken to protect the planting of eggplant from pests and diseases. Chemical means of protection on individual sites are allowed only those that are most safe for humans and the environment. Their use requires strict compliance with the attached instructions.
The eggplant Epik F1 differs in high yield. The reviews confirm the reliability of this hybrid. In the technical maturity phase, eggplants have a saturated color and a length of at least 21 cm.