/ / Apple tree Champion: description of the variety. Features of Apple Champion

Apple tree Champion: description of the variety. Features of Apple Champion

Apple Tree Champion is considered to be the real leader insize of the harvest. The branches of the tree are broken not so much from the number of fruits as from their size, because this variety belongs to one of the largest fruits. Often, this tree can be found in amateur gardens, but the apple tree is the most widespread. The champion, the description of which you will find in this article, received in commercial gardening. Apples of this variety in almost all countries of Europe are supplied by Poland, but the plant was planted in the Czech Republic in the early 70s of the 20th century. For more than 4 decades, the popularity of apples of this sort did not decrease at all. What features does the apple tree have?

Features of the variety

The variety is very unstable to a strong declinetemperatures in the winter, so those gardeners who were engaged in the cultivation of a champion in the suburbs, advised to well wrap the trunk and the crown of the tree for the winter. This fact means that the apple tree Champion, reviews of high yields which are positive, refers to varieties with winter hardiness below the average, which need additional care during the winter.

apple tree champion

However, not everything is so bad, because apple trees of this varietypractically is not affected by scab, from which practically all domestic varieties of apples suffer. Another undeniable advantage of the Champion is good growth and fruiting even on heavy lands that are not suitable for cultivation of apple trees of other varieties.

Description of the apple tree

Apple tree of sort Championspecialists to low-growth species. The crown is very compact, the branches in it are evenly distributed, without accumulations on one section of the trunk. Crown shape ovoid or oval. Skeletal branches extend from the trunk mainly at an acute angle (50-70 degrees), ramifications on them are not strong, which greatly facilitates the care of the crown.

Apple Tree Champion is different from many varieties of themes,that is able to form ovaries and fruits not only on the rings and fruit twigs, but also on the so-called spear. Despite the small size of the tree, the apple yield is quite high and is about 25 kg from each plant. If you consider that the fruiting Champion enters 3-4 years after planting, you can call this variety fast-growing and very high-yielding, and therefore profitable for commercial cultivation.

Blooming Apple Tree Champion

If a few trees are planted in the gardenChampion, the horticulturist can watch an incredibly beautiful picture every spring: as if by magic, all to a single tree blossom. The number of flowers on each tree is very large, however, only 30% of the fruits are tied. Apple Tree Champion (described above) has partially self-pollinated flowers. For better tying fruit on the tree, you need to place in the immediate vicinity of plants of other varieties: Spartan, Teremok or Pilot.

apple tree champion description

Flowering of this variety begins in the middlespring. Flowers are collected in large corymbose inflorescences. The petals in the bud period and after its full opening are white, sometimes with a light pinkish hue, the edge is even. The flowering is very amicable, it is also amicable and ends.

Appearance of Champion Fruits

Apple Tree Champion is able to tie up enoughnumber of fruits, which under favorable conditions reach a weight of 250 g. The shape of the apples is round-oval, regular. The skin of the fruit, despite its high density, is very thin and elastic. Peel on fruits during the period of removal from the tree (late September - early October), which occurs 1-2 weeks before the onset of maturity, has a yellow-green color with a barely noticeable pink blush. During the onset of full ripeness, the blush is more pronounced, as it acquires red-orange shades. Pulp of apples A champion of a cream shade, light, juicy and sweet. When they are cut, a characteristic apple flavor is felt. When stored in a cool place, refrigerator or cellar, the Champion's fruits do not lose their taste for 5 months.

apple tree champion reviews

Apple tree Champion: features of planting and care

Since, according to the reviews of gardeners and breeders,the apple-tree of this variety has a low winter hardiness, it is necessary to choose the place for its planting very carefully. First, the site must be protected from the northern cold winds. Secondly, despite the undemanding nature of the soil, it is desirable to avoid wetlands with groundwater stagnation. Apple Tree Champion, which was planted in the spring by a scheme of 4 x 1.5 m, is most resistant to unfavorable factors in the winter. When acquiring a seedling in the fall, it is best to try to keep it until spring in a dug shape.

apple tree champion landing

The main means of caring for a treethe initial stage of growth and formation of the crown is pruning of thickening branches and shortening of shoots. Growth of a tree of this sort does not happen too quickly, therefore it is not necessary to "cut" too much.

As a preventive measure against developmentbitter pit and bacterial burn, experts recommend that during the period of tree growth (summer-spring), several (up to 8 per season) times, the crown is treated with a solution of fertilizers containing calcium.

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