/ / Apple tree "Zhigulevskoe" - a good late sort

Apple tree "Zhigulevskoe" - good late variety

Many of us like winter (late) apples. This predilection is due to the high nutritional value of such fruits and their consumer qualities. Among many varieties, one of the most popular is the apple tree "Zhiguli". It was bred by the Kuibyshev gardening station.


Apple tree "Zhigulevskoe" has a round, slightlyelongated crown. Most often it is pyramidal. This branch has branches raised. Crohn is rather rare, but well lined. Under favorable conditions and rare pruning, it can become large. The tree grows very fast. Already in 5-6 years the apple tree starts active (mixed) fruiting. The main crop is formed on young twigs and rings. This variety is characterized by abundant yield, but sometimes it can be periodic. Unfortunately, the apple tree "Zhigulevskoe" is characterized by an average winter hardiness. In very harsh winters, her flower buds often freeze.

Apple tree "Zhigulevskoe" fructifies large (up to 250d) flat-round fruits of a yellowish-green color, covered with almost continuous red blush. On its background, darker bands of different shapes are visible. The skin of the fruit is shiny and dense. Some apples have well-defined wide ribs. Fruits are harvested in September. Consumer maturity they reach a month after harvesting. Under favorable storage conditions, their presentation persists for 3 months. At optimal temperatures, the fruits do not lose their nutritional value until the end of January.

apple tree
The apple cultivar "Zhigulevskoe" is very popular withexperienced gardeners. Such love is due to the fact that its large fruits have a juicy coarse-grained pulp of a creamy hue with a sweet and sour taste and a delicate aroma. The tradeability of the variety is very high. Apple tree "Zhigulevskoe" has the following advantages: high yield, early fruit, large and tasty fruits. This variety is resistant to fungal lesions. This apple tree is ideal for cultivation in intensive gardens.


Apple tree "Zhigulevskaya", the description of whichis presented above, it has some peculiarities of growing. So, it does not tolerate places with a close groundwater table. It is suitable only for fertile soil with high moisture and air permeability. For planting, choose well-lit areas. This tree is characterized by moderate resistance to diseases. In winter it is recommended to protect the trunk and the lower branches of the tree from mice and hares. To do this, it will be enough to wrap them with roofing felt or artificial burlap. This variety perfectly tolerates shaping and rejuvenating pruning. The main disadvantage of this apple tree is the average winter hardiness, sometimes caused by sunburn of the bark. This variety is most suitable for cultivation in the central regions of Russia.

apple blossom

As this apple tree in adulthood beginsbear fruit periodically, it is recommended to regularly rejuvenate pruning and annual fertilizing of trees with mineral and organic fertilizers. This variety is also responsive to regular watering in the dry season.

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