/ / "Beauty of Sverdlovsk" - apple tree is the best of the best

"Beauty of Sverdlovsk" - apple tree is the best of the best

Apple tree is the queen of any garden. The dream of any gardener is to grow fruit-bearing trees with delicious fruits. Varieties of apple trees very much. How to choose among a huge number of those who will get well in this or that region, and give a good harvest?

"Beauty of Sverdlovsk" - apple tree of Sverdlovsk selection. Initially, this variety was called "Seedling Wengerova."

beauty of Sverdlovsk apple tree

Origin and features

This apple variety can be called outstanding, sohow it was not by crossing. There are suggestions that "Krasa Sverdlovska" (apple tree) appeared as a result of sowing of the southern variety of seeds, supposedly "Jonathan", since there is a clear external similarity. Judging by the original name, the breeding of the variety belongs to Vengerova LG, who works at the Sverdlov Breeding Station.

The peculiarity of the variety is that the apple treefructifies on the shoots of the current year. It is also distinguished by the branched branches. This makes this variety similar to "Cinnamon striped". This feature involves careful pruning. It is recommended to trim the ends of growths every year. This stimulates branching. In summer it is necessary to pinch shoots that have grown this year.

"Beauty of Sverdlovsk" (apple tree). Description

self-fertile sort of what it means

The variety mainly grows in the Urals and inUpper Volga region. It is suitable for growing in the central regions of Russia. Variety "Beauty of Sverdlovsk" is winter, so you can grow the method of stanza culture in Siberia and Altai.

The tree has a dense round crown. The branches are covered with a dense dark brown bark. Fruits are tied on twigs (short and long) and on the rings.

Shoots have large lenticules, covered with brown bark. The leaves are large enough, the tip short-pointed, the base heart-shaped.

"Beauty of Sverdlovsk" is an apple tree that blooms white with a pink tinge of flowers. Flowers large with broad cups, long stamens. Buds are dark pink.

Fruits are medium in size, their weight sometimes exceeds 250 grams, even, of regular shape, slightly tapering to the apex. On fruits there is a weakly marked ribbing.

beauty of Sverdlovsk apple tree description

They have a smooth surface with a dry skin,covered with a small waxy coating. Gather fruit when they acquire a greenish-yellow color. When stored, it becomes creamy with a bright crimson-red blush on almost the entire surface.

What is a self-fruit variety?

apple blossom sverdlovsk planting and care

Virtually all varieties of apple and pear areself-fertile. "The beauty of Sverdlovsk" is no exception. Self-fertile variety - what does this mean? Samoplodnye varieties tie fruit when self-pollination, while a self-fertile variety must be pollinated by a pollinating plant. Therefore, the self-fertilized variety must be planted next to the pollinating variety. Otherwise, the fruit can not wait at all. It should be noted that not all pollinators are suitable for pollination of a particular culture. Sometimes even they themselves need to be pollinated in order to increase the yield.

With proper care, "Beauty of Sverdlovsk" (apple tree) will be pleased with a good harvest.

Rules for the selection of pollinating varieties

Apple tree "Beauty of Sverdlovsk" is a self-fertile variety. What this means is described above. Now we need to understand how to combine the varieties correctly, so that they will enjoy a good harvest.

  1. The period of fruiting and the period of life of the main varieties and pollinating varieties should be the same.
  2. The flowering period should coincide.
  3. Pollinated varieties should ideally match the conditions of a given locality.
  4. Pollinator varieties should also be pollinated by the main plants.

How to start growing apple trees?

variety of Sverdlovsk beauty

One of the best winter varieties is the apple tree"The beauty of Sverdlovsk." Planting and nursing do not require special skills specifically for this variety. Apple trees are planted, like all other varieties, at any time of the year. But there are some general rules for planting a tree in the garden. The first thing to do is to choose the right place. This is a very important point for getting a good harvest. Place for planting should be open and not be in a draft. It is better to have buildings and other trees nearby. Especially negatively affected by planting near old trees, as they will shade the young tree and take away its food.

The soil for the apple tree should be slightly acidic and fertile, approximately as for a potato, with a high nitrogen content.

Features of landing

Saplings should be bought immediately before planting. It is better to check the root system of the tree at once. The kidneys should be in a sleeping state, that is, not swollen.

The pit for the apple tree is prepared in advance. If you plant a tree in the spring, then the pit should be cooked from autumn. If you plant in the autumn, then the pit should be excavated a month earlier. The pit size is 50X50. The depth depends on the length of the roots. In the middle it is necessary to drive a stake, which should raise 1.5 meters above the ground level. The roots of the seedlings should be well spread and dropped into the pit. Sprinkle the soil to the root of the neck. Ground and pour abundantly. Seedling to fix on a support. When there are stable cold, mineral fertilizers should be spread around the tree.

Caring for a young apple tree

Quickly grow an apple tree will not work. This process is quite long-term and time-consuming. Regardless of the time of planting an apple tree, it is necessary to start taking care of it in the first spring. Correct planting and care in the first year of life is a pledge of a strong fruit bearing tree. After planting, the trunk of the tree should be truncated into three buds. Side shoots will grow faster. Skeletal branches should be shorter than the central shoot. Every week for two months, the seedling should be watered with a bucket of water. Then watering is reduced to once in two to three weeks. But the amount of water is increased to three buckets. The tree must be covered with a good layer of organic material (manure, manure, straw, compost).

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