/ / Freshness (apple tree): description and reviews

Freshness (apple tree): description and reviews

Probably, it is difficult to find a person who does not loveapples. Fragrant juicy fruits can have a variety of tastes: rich sweet, sour, tart. They are good in fresh form, and cooked jams, jams, jellies and juices perfectly complement our diet in the winter.

At present, hundreds of varieties of theseremarkable fruit, and despite this, breeders constantly develop new, more advanced species, characterized by high yields, original palatability, frost resistance, etc. In this article, we will not tell you about the novelty of breeding. The heroine of her will be Apple Freshness. Description, reviews of experienced gardeners will help you evaluate the merits of the variety, learn its features.

fresh apple-tree

Freshness was deduced in 1976 in the Research Institute of Breedingfruit crops. The variety appeared as a result of a rather complex crossing of the famous Antonovka-red-bell with the hybrid Welsey x F2 M. Floribunda. This variety has a natural immunity to scab, since it contains the gene Vf. Already in 1985, the first experienced trees yielded fruit, and in 1994 the variety was isolated in the elite. The authors of this work were ZM Serova, VV Zhdanov, EN Sedov.

Adaptation of variety

In 1995, the variety was tested in the Central andCentral Chernozem regions, and six years later it was zoned. Then in the popular editions on gardening this apple tree was presented. Variety Freshness (reviews confirm this) is suitable for planting in intensive gardens. What kind of culture is this?

Freshness is an apple tree that is perfectly adaptedto a temperate climate. Along with this, it has a rather high frost resistance. Over time, the apple tree Freshness has become widespread. The description of the variety presented by the authors made it possible to adapt it also in arid regions, under the condition of abundant watering. Otherwise, the tree will be depleted. This is because the apple trees receive the necessary nutrients in a dissolved form through the root system. Therefore, in a hot climate it can help to adapt only a large amount of moisture.

Freshness is an apple tree that can be grown inmoderately cold climate. To adapt the variety, no special measures are required, since it has a high frost resistance. The only thing that needs to be done to help the tree to get out of stress as quickly as possible is to feed it with organic fertilizers.

Freshness (apple tree): description

The tree of this variety belongs to medium-sized andis quite fast. It has a round, medium-thickened crown. The main branches are compact, slightly curved. The bark on the main branches and the stem is colored brown and has a smooth surface. Shoots of the geniculate, medium thickness, rounded in the section, pubescent in the upper part, brown, middle-sized lenticles, are quite common. The kidneys are pressed, smooth, and have a conical shape.

The leaves are broad, ovate, large,painted in dark green color. The plates are slightly pubescent, have small-grained edges and slightly twisted apex. Surface with glossy tint and deep venation. Petioles of medium thickness, long, differ in weak hairiness.


Inflorescences of dense structure, corymbose type. They can include from four to six flowers. Buds are painted in a gentle white-pink shade. Flowers of medium size, with rounded petals, unclosed. Stigmas are on par with the anthers, and sometimes a little higher.

 apple blossom freshness


Freshness is an apple tree (photos you can see inarticle), which produces fruits of medium and larger size: one apple weighs from one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty grams. There are also larger specimens, but they do not exceed two hundred grams.

The shape of the fruit is barrel-shaped (slightly flattenedon each side), with wide ribs. The skin is distinguished by a smooth surface with a glossy tint. Color in the period of removable maturity greenish-yellow, has pronounced on most of the apple strokes and stripes of red. Pedicels of medium length and thickness, inclined, straight. Seed chambers of closed type. Seeds are large, dark brown in color. Their shape is conical, narrowed. The flesh has a greenish shade, a fine-grained and dense structure. It breaks easily upon impact.

The fruits are very juicy, having a weak thinaroma. The taste of apples is sweet and sour. According to the five-point tasting scale, experts assess their external appeal by 4.3 points, palatability - by 4.2 points. If to compare with the famous Antonovka, then its attractiveness was estimated at 4.1 points, and the taste characteristics deserved 4.0 points.

freshness apple-tree description

Useful material

Fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients. They contain:

  • 0.77% of acids titrated;
  • 9.2% of sugars;
  • 12.4 mg / 100 g of ascorbic acid;
  • 436 mg / 100 g of P-active substances;
  • 17.8% pectin substances.

Fruits are suitable for processing (jam, juices,jams, etc.) and conservation. The period of removable ripeness comes in the end of September. Apples are stored, without losing their taste, until the end of May. Freshness is an apple tree, which on average yields 187 c / ha.

Planting and care

You can plant apple trees in autumn and spring. Gardeners recommend buying seedlings before planting, and it's best when they have roots open - you can immediately see the state of the root system at the moment. The purchased seedling must be prepared for planting: to cut off diseased or broken roots, to process slices or wounds with crushed coal, to spread the roots well. The buds on the seedlings should not be swollen.

 fresh apple-tree photo

Where to plant an apple tree?

This variety differs unpretentiousness in the care, butit is very important to choose the right place for planting in the garden. Apple Tree Freshness will grow rapidly and develop properly in a well-lit area, near a tree of a different kind. This is due to cross-pollinating.


The landing pit should not be excavated very large: not more than one meter in width and sixty centimeters in depth. The soil in it must be well loosened and fertilized. It should be borne in mind that when the planting soil is saturated, freshness (apple tree) quickly adds to growth, but at the same time poorly fructifies. Planting a seedling, pay attention to how the root collar is located. Its correct position is at the level with the soil.

Care of the seedlings

After planting, the seedling should be watered abundantly. Proper care for the apple tree is a complex of measures that consists in carrying out simple activities:

  • timely and regular inspections of the plant;
  • healing of wound surfaces and injuries;
  • removal of damaged or dry shoots; loosening of the soil around the tree;
  • stem whitewash (in spring);
  • treatment from pests.

apple freshness reviews

Preparation for winter

In autumn, the young tree is hilled to a height oftwenty centimeters, mulch a near-barrel circle with humus, compost or peat, and the trunk is whitened with a solution of chalk. If in your area the rodents are raging in winter, who do not mind eating apple bark, tie the trunks of trees with cane or lapnik. In the first year of life apple-tree does not need autumn feeding - it is quite enough organic, located in the mulch.

 apple blossom freshness description

Fruit storage

If you want to keep fresh apples, then you should use wooden containers. Boxes with fruits are placed in a cool room (cellar, cellar).

Diseases and pests

Freshness is an apple tree, which is sick quite rarely. Due to the presence of the Vf gene, it is not susceptible to fungal diseases, besides, its level of resistance to scab is high enough. However, these trees can be subjected to such ailments as a bacterial burn, black cancer. How to deal with them? Let's look at this in more detail.

Bacterial burn

Can arise due to improper care. The main means of combating it is disinfection and destruction of the foci of infection.

Black Cancer

As a rule, it develops on a young tree. It is important not to let this disease get to the site. A good prevention of the disease is the introduction of potassium fertilizers.

No less disturbing symptom is the appearance of pests on the apple tree.

  1. If the plant is struck green aphid, you need to treat the tree with a dandelion infusion.
  2. When apple moth use a solution of chlorophos - this is the only means that can destroy this pest on the apple tree.
  3. From leaf rollers you will get rid of Nitrofen's solution.

Advantages of the variety

According to breeders and experienced gardeners,the indisputable merits of apple trees. Freshness is resistance to the five races of scab of leaves and fruits. In addition, the pluses should include late maturity, high yield, the possibility of long-term fruit storage (until the end of spring) and high commodity characteristics.

apple tree variety freshness reviews

Apple tree Freshness: reviews

Despite the recent emergence of a hugethe number of new varieties and hybrids, experienced gardeners are happy to continue to grow these time-tested trees. They explain their choice by the simplicity of plant care, high yield. The fruits have a pleasant taste, very juicy and fragrant. In addition, they make incredibly tasty jams and jams. The only advice for beginning gardeners from professionals: plant Freshness next to apples of other varieties for better pollination.

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