/ / Gooseberries: fighting measures

Gooseberries: fighting measures

One of the most dangerous pests capable ofto reduce the harvest almost half, is the gooseberry flax. In order to effectively destroy a pest, you need to know what it is, and know the conditions of its habitat. It is a small butterfly with gray front wings with brown stripes. Female butterflies in spring lay eggs in flower buds, and then in the ovary itself. Appearing later caterpillars eat at the beginning flowers, and then eat the flesh of fruits. Berries prematurely change their color and wither.


Caterpillars are green and slightly smallersize than the butterfly. Approximately by mid-June they get into the top layer of the soil and pupate right at the base of the bushes. That is why when a pest such as a gooseberries grows, measures of struggle include in their list and point, according to which it is necessary to perform an autumn digging of the soil not only under the bushes, but also near them. Many of the pupae will be on the surface and freeze with the onset of cold weather. In addition, bushes need to be bored. The earth should be taken away from the bush. This process is quite laborious, as hilling should be carried out at 10-15 cm. Even if one of the pupae remains in the ground, from under the layer of such thickness it simply can not get out.

Those pupae, which still managed to survive,spend the winter in the uppermost layer of the soil. In the spring period during the appearance of buds on the bushes begin to appear butterflies - gooseberries. Measures of struggle during this period are quite significant. After all, if you use any chemical preparations, you need to have time to flowering, otherwise the gooseberries will destroy some of the flowers. What to do in this period? It is necessary to spray the soil under bushes with hexachlorane. Butterflies, creeping along such a soil, will perish. A similar effect has a weak solution of anabasine sulfate, nicotine sulfate. For greater effect, a small amount of soap can be added to the solution.

struggle with gooseberries

But this is not all drugs that canDestroy such a pest as a gooseberd flies. Control measures include many procedures. During the mass invasion of this pest, the surface of the soil was pollinated with a 12% solution of dust. Plus, 50 grams of the drug was poured under the bush a week before flowering. During the formation of buds for spraying, it is recommended to use a preparation such as Kinmix. In addition, immediately after flowering, you can use the biological drug "Lepidocide" or "Bitoksibatsillin."

how to deal with gooseberries

However, many gardeners try not to applychemicals. What should I do in this case when a pest called a gooseberry bug appears on the bush? Control measures without chemicals are there, and there are quite a few of them. Spraying bushes can be produced on the fifth day of flowering with infusions of chamomile, onion, mustard, tansy, yarrow, makhorka. To get the most effect, the treatment can be repeated 3-4 times with an interval of about a week. During the formation of the ovaries, spraying can be done with a soapy ash solution.

The struggle with the gooseberry flint includes in itslist and mechanical collection of damaged berries. Using this method, you will protect the remaining fruits. Damaged are not only wilted fruits, but also dyed or braided cobwebs. In addition, it is necessary to remove and destroy the nests from the cobwebs, which the gooseberry flax weaved in the bushes. One simple way to scare off this pest is a tomato planted in close proximity. If you do not know how to deal with a gooseberry boar, you can turn to folk methods. If the area of ​​the garden area is small, establish a kind of traps - containers with wandering juices. In addition, in specialized stores you can purchase an electric trap or light trap.

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