/ / Berry sour (red currant): planting and care in the open, diseases and treatment, useful properties

Berry acid (red currant): planting and care in the open ground, diseases and treatment, useful properties

Berry acid is a red currant, veryknown deciduous shrub. Currants are often grown in suburban areas. With its planting and further cultivation, even beginning gardeners can cope. With proper care from one bush red currant can collect up to ten kilograms of berries. Shrimps are very viable and grow in one place to twenty-five years.

Varieties of red currant

Maturation period sour, nursing and planting in open ground depend on the variety, soil and climate in the cultivation area. The huge variety of plant varieties makes it possible to make a choice for every taste.

sour cherry
Despite the fact that most of themis considered self-fertilized, gardeners recommend growing several varieties to improve yield and cross-pollination. The taste of sour is dependent on the amount of sugar and organic acids in the fruit. Sweet varieties have a pronounced sweetness and a slightly sour taste. These include:

  • "early sweet";
  • "sugar";
  • "Vika";
  • "Dutch pink";
  • "Viksne";
  • "pink pearl".

As a rule, most of the varieties of redcurrants are cold-resistant. However, among them, frost-resistant forms are distinguished, suitable for planting in places with severe winters. To frost-resistant varieties can be attributed such as:

  • "Natalie";
  • "Jonker van Tets";
  • "Beloved";
  • "Red Andreychenko";
  • "Dutch red".

Large-fruited varieties:

  • "The Ural beauty";
  • "Ilinka";
  • "cascade";
  • Roland;
  • "alpha".

If you plant on the site early mature bushes, mid-ripening and late maturing, then you will feast on the fruits of red currant the whole summer.

Crop planting in autumn

Berries can be planted as in spring, soand in the autumn period. This plant is not recommended to grow on the plots after gooseberry, and after rastorchevki old bush kislitsy. In the classical method of bush cultivation, plants are planted at a distance of one meter from each other and with a row spacing of two and a half meters. In the Urals and Siberia, planting is best done at the end of August.

sour berry
In the southern regions, the red currant is planted withmid-September to the first week of October. The main reference point for planting a plant is a steady cooling. The red currant must be planted about a month before the cold. Bushes are best placed on open, sunny and well ventilated areas. This will help reduce the risk of fungal diseases. Currant is an unpretentious culture and adapts well to severe climatic conditions.

Planting of currant in spring

In the spring period, red currants needplant before active sap movement. Planting seedlings should be made in a hole 40 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter, this will make it possible to place the root system well. As a top dressing, you can use compost or manure in the amount of ten liters with the addition of fifty grams of superphosphate, the same amount of potassium chloride and a little wood ash. In the middle part of the country, the soil and climate are excellent for planting and growing red currants. Therefore, the bush will not cause any trouble to the gardeners.


Timely watering is considered a pledge of the richharvest. Due to the developed root system, the acid is resistant to drought. Lack of water in the first place affects the growth, development and fruit bearing of plants.

how to trim a currant
Therefore, during the growth and ripening of berriesit is necessary to regularly moisturize, allowing the soil to be saturated with moisture by 50-60 cm deep. One bush requires about two buckets of water, which is poured into grooves, dug about 30 cm from the plant.

Application of fertilizers

The first two years after planting a bush kislitsytop dressing is not required if the technology of planting is observed and the necessary amount of additional fertilization is applied to the planting hole. At the beginning of the spring period, as soon as shoots begin to grow, twenty grams of urea or thirty grams of ammonium nitrate are added to each bush.

bilberry berry useful properties
After flowering it is desirable to feed it with organic: aqueous solution based on bird droppings (1:20) or Mullein (1:10). Under a bush of a currant the bucket of such solution is brought. In addition, red currants can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers at a rate of twenty grams per square meter. In the late autumn she needs mineral and organic fertilizers.

Redcurrant pests

Diseases and treatment of scurvy will be discussed below,but now we will pay attention to the pests that are most often found on the bushes of the plant, and the ways to combat them. When parasites appear, chemical protection should not be used immediately. If they are few, they can be collected manually and destroyed. Pesticides are recommended only when absolutely necessary. Adherence to the rules of agricultural technology is the key to a good harvest and protecting the plant from disease. Shrubs need to be cut (how to cut currants, described below), burn damaged parts, carry out autumn digging.

Red Currant Pests:

  • Currant grass feeds on the core of the branches of the acid. To combat it, it is recommended to cut and burn shoots, and carefully select the planting material.
  • The spider mite damages the leaves of the red currant. To destroy immediately after flowering, the bushes are treated with "Fitoverm" at the rate of two milliliters per one liter of water.
  • The currant moth kidney damages the kidney and fruit of the acid sour cream. When infecting bushes, cut the damaged shoots under the root and burn them.
  • Gooseberry fire - fairly commonpest damaging currant berries. When early berries are found, long before the time of maturation, they should be collected and destroyed. And also it is recommended to dig the soil around the bush in the autumn period.
  • Pale-legged sawfly, as a rule, damages the leaves of the scab. In spring and summer, it is necessary to remove the larvae from the leaves of the bush, and also to spray it with a decoction of tobacco and wormwood.
  • The gooseberry moth gnaws on the leaf blade, as well as the veins of the bushes. To combat it should be used tincture from chemist's chamomile, a decoction of tobacco and makhorka.
  • Glasscurrant currant is one of the mostdangerous pests. It damages the core of the branches, as a result of this they wither and die. To avoid this, it is necessary to prune the bushes in early spring, while the buds are asleep. In addition, the soil and bushes can be treated with the drug "Fitoverm".
  • Aphids are also very common. To combat this pest, you should spray the bushes with a 10% solution of "Carbophos" before the buds are dissolved.

Sickle Diseases

Another problem for gardeners is redcurrant disease. Both treatment and signs of diseases are described below.

  • Powdery mildew is rare. When infected, a white coating on young leaves and fruits is formed. To fight it is necessary to sprinkle the red currant solution of pharmacy iodine. With timely treatment, the disease can be defeated quickly enough.
  • Anthracnose is a fungal disease, which is promoted by a humid climate. When detecting dark spots, it is recommended to use fungicides.
  • White spotting is prettywidespread, because of her fall leaves, stops the growth of the bush and the crop dies. To treat berries of acid it is necessary to make treatment with copper sulfate. With a view to preventive maintenance, monitor the moisture of the soil and remove the fallen leaves in time, and also dig the soil in autumn and early spring.
  • Column and goblet rust. With these diseases, bright orange growths are formed. It is treated with fungicides, and the plant can be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux fluid.

Pruning of red currant bushes

When growing shrubs, it is important to know howcut the currant correctly. There is a formative and sanitary pruning. Crop the red currant should be at the beginning of the autumn period, as well as after harvesting.

red currant disease and treatment
Remove old, broken, sick branches and excesszero shoots. In the spring, you can sanitize. You can not cut off the tops of branches, where there are a large number of berry branches. A well-formed plant has about twenty branches.

Useful properties of red currant

The use of currant fruits helps to absorbanimal proteins, improves appetite, and also relieves constipation. In the composition of the berries of the scabies there is a special substance - oxycoumarin, which has an excellent effect on the coagulation of blood. In addition, the fruit has a large amount of iron, which increases hemoglobin, and also regulates the water-salt balance and normalizes the work of the heart. Fruits of red currants - an excellent tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

sour berry is a red currant
Contained in the fruit of pear cucumbersprevent inflammation and remove harmful substances. Red currant strengthens the immune system. Morse or juice from the fruit of acid syrup is used for nausea and toxicosis in pregnant women. Red currant is an excellent source of energy, since the composition of the fruit includes a complex of vitamins B and sugars. Normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood regular use of mors from the prickly pear. Useful properties of red currant leaves are a diuretic and bactericidal action. As well as ascorbic acid is contained in the leaves of the sourdough. The great advantage of red currants is that it can be eaten by allergic people, but if there is a bad coagulation of blood, ulcers, hemophilia, it is better to abandon it.


Kislitsu (currant) since ancient times called the berry of health, it is for this reason the plant has become widespread in the suburban areas.

cultivation of red currant
Care for the currant is simple, but necessarypay attention to timely watering, fertilizing, pruning and protection from pests. With all the rules, the red currant will delight you with a plentiful harvest for many years.

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