/ / Crime prevention

Crime prevention

In 2011, on August 11, the Russian Federation adopted a draftFederal Law "On the basis of crime prevention system in the Russian Federation", which aims to reduce crime in our country by preventing illegal acts. After all, they now represent one of the main threats to human security. Among the main measures to combat this danger is the prevention of crime. It is prevention that can stop a potential offender.

Crime prevention is rationalThe method of preserving the security of citizens of the state The modern criminal situation in Russia differs little from that in the 90s of the 20th century. Thus, penetration into a dwelling for the purpose of theft is still the most common criminal act. To reduce the number of violations of law enforcement agencies can help prevent crime. Prevention of offenses is a very complex, multilevel system. Consider the levels to which crime prevention is divided.

Allocate a special-criminological levelfight against crime and general social. The first is characterized by the fact that it includes a set of measures that must eliminate the possibility of specific crimes or common causes of illegal actions. These actions are of small scale, although in some cases they can be targeted at whole groups of people, for example, crime prevention in recidivists or minors.

A general social alert leveloffenses is more widespread than the special-criminological. It includes such measures as, for example, maintenance of a high level of prosperity of the population, improvement of labor conditions and conditions of rest, increase of organization of the population, and also strengthening of discipline and responsibility.

Prevention of crime is subject to another gradation by levels. It is based on vertical differentiation:

  • The highest level includes socio-economic measures (education, ideological work, improvement of public relations).
  • The middle level is preventive work with specific segments of the population, social groups that tend to be influenced by negative trends.
  • The lowest level. Carry out the prevention of crime with specific individuals (elimination of antisocial views, change of value orientations, getting rid of antisocial attitudes of a particular person).

What are the main principles of crime prevention?

  1. Democratism (control by the relevant authorities, as well as by public organizations).
  2. Humanism (crime prevention should occur with a minimum loss for a person, society, state).
  3. Legality (compliance with legislative and regulatory acts).
  4. Scientific (all actions for the prevention of crime should be scientifically grounded).


  1. Legality (preventive requirements should not violate the law).
  2. Timeliness (the use of prevention should occur immediately after clarifying the causes and conditions of the crime).
  3. Radicality (not all, but all causes of crime should be eliminated in part).
  4. Economic rationality (compliance with the cost of preventive measures and damage from the crime to which these measures are directed).
  5. Reasonableness (application in the situation when it is really necessary).

In order to prevent crime, it is necessary to comply with all the above requirements and principles, as well as apply measures in a complex.

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