/ How to make barbecue grills with your own hands?

How to make barbecue grills with their own hands?

Outdoor recreation attracts many people. Well, who refuses to barbecue far from the city bustle? But not everyone has a special device for their manufacture. Owners of their own homes sooner or later think about how to build barbecue bricks with their own hands. Everyone dreams about their own buildings, many on the site have different summer houses and their own baths. If the construction of the latter is considered to be a rather complicated and laborious process, anyone who wishes can create barbecue grills from their own hands.

Which material is perfect for construction

barbecue grills with their own hands

In addition to reading the special literature,it is necessary to take into account many nuances. First, not all materials are ideal for construction. In order to build barbecue bricks with their own hands, you will need to purchase a specially burned brick of good quality and properly prepare a mortar for the connection. A big disadvantage is the lack of experience in such a field.

The process of building a barbecue

brazier of brick drawings
Creating barbecue grills with their own hands, you canto acquire a material with high resistance to temperatures and a good binder composition. However, it should be noted that over time, the first begins to age and crack. In this case, even the plaster can not help repair the brazier. If the design is planned to be used all year round, then it is not necessary to purchase a poor-quality brick. In this case, the brazier will quickly become unsuitable. Many recommend using red brick bricks for the construction of barbecue grills. This advice can be considered quite justified, since it is more resistant to high temperatures, and the lifetime of such a design will increase significantly.

Finishing of barbecue

It was found that the best tool for masonrybarbecue from brick will be clay with a small addition of cement in it. After construction, the structure is usually plastered. For strength, you can lubricate the brazier with silicate glue. It will take a little bit, it is necessary to apply it with a paint brush. In addition, the glue can be tinted with brick crumbs.

The breakdown of the construction process into several stages

a simple brazier from a brick
When building a simple brazier out of bricks, usuallythe process is divided into several parts. Particular attention should be paid to the foundation, usually using a concrete slab. The size of it should correspond to the size of the future brazier or slightly exceed it. The slab is left in the pit with gravel and sand. It is necessary to pay attention to the grates for firewood. You should make them removable.

A little in conclusion

If you are not confident in your abilities, it's worthshow all your accuracy and thoroughness, creating a brazier of bricks. Drawings in this case can greatly simplify the whole process of construction. Having built a brazier with your own hands, you will please not only yourself, but also your loved ones. Therefore, good luck in your construction of this design and a wonderful holiday in the fresh air!

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