/ How to Get Rid of Drosophila: Safe and Effective Ways

How to Get Rid of Drosophila: Safe and Effective Ways

Almost all homeowners have come across at least onceinvasion of small, but very unpleasant flies. Annoying crumbs appear regardless of the season and quickly fly around the apartment. If you do not take any measures, the hordes of insects will soon start to annoy not only you, but also your neighbors.

how to get rid of fruit fly
These midges are Drosophila. How to get rid of them, we now know.

But before proceeding to the active phase,watch the enemy. Still need to determine the source of infection. Usually it is hidden in the kitchen. Most often, flies are planted on fruit brought into the house. Microscopic larvae, located on the fruit skin, quickly develop into the state of an adult in warmth. And then they start to explore the new territory quickly. Therefore, we remove the fruit for storage in the refrigerator.

In principle, you must remember that the very firstan item on the list of events devoted to the question of how to get rid of fruit fly, says: cleanliness and disinfection. The insects feed on the remains of food, their favorite delicacy is rotten vegetables and fruits. Accordingly, you need to deprive the mushy tribe of food. All the half-eaten, spoiled fruits are immediately disposed of, the garbage can is regularly laundered with the use of special disinfectants. The same funds are poured into the sink. Do not be surprised. In the sink, sometimes parts of food that attract Simuliidae are retained for a long time.

Drosophila mosses how to get rid
In addition, there are more radicalways of how to get rid of fruit fly. Homemade traps help you in this. As a bait, we take any ripe fruit: pieces of banana, mandarin slices, watermelon, melons. Delicacy put on the bottom of a deep cup, pour juice or kvass. Before such a treat flies will not stand, for good reason they are called fruit or wine. And from above we tighten the cup with a thin cellophane, in which we make several holes with a fork. Insects easily get inside, for a delicious bait. But they will not be able to leave the trap any more.

Another method, how to get rid of fruit fly, is basedon that flies do not tolerate soapy reagents. Again, take any deep container, pour inside a wine or apple cider vinegar, diluted with water. Then add a soap solution to the mixture. Insects will certainly climb into the container, attracted by grape (apple) flavor. But the presence of soap will be an unpleasant surprise for them.

Drosophila in flowers how to get rid
Sometimes the gnats are justified in pots withroom plants. The damp earth and rotting fallen leaves - that's what Drosophila loves in flowers. How to get rid of uninvited tenants? First of all, we remove from the pots all the remains of plants. Then the insect-eaters are waiting for a meeting with potassium permanganate. Its weak aqueous solution disinfects the soil. You can even use not too toxic insecticides, allowed for indoor use.

But, perhaps, the most exotic option of howget rid of fruit flies, is a method based on the breeding of special trapping plants. These green predators (for example, sundew) quite successfully and comfortably settle in the apartment, eating small flies. Well, this method is very effective and, most importantly, it is safe. You predatory flowers certainly do not bite.

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